Lonely Castle in the Mirror | 誠品線上


作者 辻村深月
商品描述 Lonely Castle in the Mirror:辻村深月《鏡之孤城》Wouldyoushareyourdeepestsecretstosaveafriend?InatranquilneighbourhoodofTokyo,seventeenagerswaketofindtheirbedro


內容簡介 2018本屋大賞第1名!「直木賞」名家最撼動人心的催淚神作!日本全國書店店員最想銷售的書No.1!勇奪日本7大獎榮耀!狂銷突破55萬冊!● 辻村深月:為了正在垂頭喪氣的你,我寫下了這部作品!這本書不限於大人或小孩閱讀,感到無處容身的人、覺得沒有同伴的人,都適合讀這部作品。● 這本書寫給所有孩子和曾經是孩子的人!希望已經是大人的你,可以和14歲時的自己一起閱讀這部作品。● 欲罷不能只想一口氣讀完X無法預料的逆轉結局X即使知道結局也必須再讀一遍!在這裡,你的眼淚會被收納,你的煩惱會獲得理解。在這裡,是世界僅存的安全之地。在這裡,可以讓你的願望成真……對國中生活充滿期待的「小心」安西心,才過了一個月就感到徹底絕望,因為她受到班上同學真田美織的欺負,但更讓她心寒的是,原本無話不說的好友小萌竟然也加入了排擠她的行列。恐懼與不安緊緊糾纏著小心,只要一想到上學,她就渾身不對勁。小心開始足不出戶,將「心」封閉在自己的房間裡。直到那一天,房間的大鏡子突然放射出七彩光芒,小心好奇地伸手一摸,整個人就被吸了進去!鏡子的彼端聳立著一座孤獨的城堡,小心不敢相信自己的眼睛,以為一切是在作夢,此時一位戴著狼面具的女孩乍然現身:「安西心同學!恭喜妳被選為這座城堡的特別嘉賓!」「這裡是哪裡?」「為什麼她會知道我的名字?」小心還來不及回神,城堡的鐵門便已緩緩地打開,裡面還有其他六名跟小心一樣的國中生。狼少女不疾不徐地向大家宣布:這裡藏著一把鑰匙,找出來的那個人,就可以實現自己的願望……本中文書介出自《鏡之孤城》皇冠文化出版有限公司出版For fans of BEFORE THE COFFEE GETS COLD, fairy tale and magic are weaved together in sparse language that belies a flooring emotional punch.'Strange and beautiful. Imagine the offspring of The Wind-up Bird Chronicle with The Virgin Suicides' GUARDIAN'Genuinely affecting. A story of empathy, collaboration and sharing truths' FINANCIAL TIMESTranslated by Philip Gabriel, a translator of Murakami_______________________________Would you share your deepest secrets to save a friend?In a tranquil neighbourhood of Tokyo, seven teenagers wake to find their bedroom mirrors are shining.At a single touch, they are pulled from their lonely lives to a wondrous castle filled with winding stairways, watchful portraits and twinkling chandeliers. In this new sanctuary, they are confronted with a set of clues leading to a hidden room where one of them will be granted a wish. But there's a catch: if they don't leave the castle by five o'clock, they will be punished.As time passes, a devastating truth emerges: only those brave enough to share their stories will be saved.Tender, playful, gripping, LONELY CASTLE IN THE MIRROR is a mesmerizing tale about the importance of reaching out, confronting anxiety and embracing human connection.Readers love LONELY CASTLE IN THE MIRROR:***** 'This book has become one of my favourite Japanese reads of all time . . . A magical heartfelt read that will stay with you'***** 'Unexpected, beautiful and heart-breaking . . . this is a work of fiction which reaches into the heart of a modern problem and has valuable insight'***** 'Rich and vivid.This book is a symbol that 'there is always hope'"


作者介紹 Mizuki Tsujimura MIZUKI TSUJIMURA lives in Tokyo and is a well-known author of bestselling mystery novels in Japan. Her groundbreaking novel LONELY CASTLE IN THE MIRROR combines elements of Japanese fantasy with highly relevant themes of emotional wellbeing and friendship. It won the coveted Japan Booksellers' Award, voted by booksellers as the book they most like to sell, and became an instant no.1 bestseller in Japan, selling over half a million copies. Tsujimura has also won the Naoki prize for her work. Rights have sold across the world.


書名 / Lonely Castle in the Mirror
作者 / 辻村深月
簡介 / Lonely Castle in the Mirror:辻村深月《鏡之孤城》Wouldyoushareyourdeepestsecretstosaveafriend?InatranquilneighbourhoodofTokyo,seventeenagerswaketofindtheirbedro
ISBN13 / 9781529176667
ISBN10 / 1529176662
EAN / 9781529176667
誠品26碼 / 2682187280000
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.7X3CM
級別 / N:無
