On East Asian Regional Cooperation I: Ideality and Reality | 誠品線上

On East Asian Regional Cooperation I: Ideality and Reality

作者 Zhang Yunling
商品描述 On East Asian Regional Cooperation I: Ideality and Reality:ThebookintentstolocatetheprocessandeffectivenessofcooperationinEastAsia,toregardtheconstructionofthe


內容簡介 The book intents to locate the process and effectiveness of cooperation in East Asia, to regard the construction of the East Asian community as the ideal, to see the contradictions and difficulties in construction as the reality, and to identify the actual development and achievement as the choice and effort between the two. The year of 1997 saw the Asian financial crisis, which turned out to be a disaster but also opened up an opportunity for East Asia to establish cooperation mechanisms. Starting with the crisis, this book examines the origin and development of the East Asian cooperation movement. More importantly, it investigates the obstacles and resistance, and provides insights into the cooperation within East Asia in the context of unstable political environments. Specifically, it expounds the East Asian Free Trade Area, monetary cooperation, as well as the cooperation within Northeast Asian and Asia-Pacific regions.


作者介紹 Zhang YunlingZhang Yunling, professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, specializes in the studies of international economics and international relations.


產品目錄 Contents Foreword Chapter 1 Origin of East Asian Cooperation Chapter 2 Looking Forward to the Future Chapter 3 Path to the East Asian Free Trade Agreement Chapter 4 Monetary and Financial Cooperation Chapter 5 Exploration of Northeast Asian Cooperation Chapter 6 Asia-Pacific Regional Cooperation Index


書名 / On East Asian Regional Cooperation I: Ideality and Reality
作者 / Zhang Yunling
簡介 / On East Asian Regional Cooperation I: Ideality and Reality:ThebookintentstolocatetheprocessandeffectivenessofcooperationinEastAsia,toregardtheconstructionofthe
ISBN13 / 9780367727567
ISBN10 / 0367727560
EAN / 9780367727567
誠品26碼 / 2682097517005
頁數 / 174
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.6X1CM
級別 / N:無
