作者介紹 Thomas WeilThomas Weil studied architecture at the Technical University of Munich and focused on interior design and design early on. Since 1974 he has been working on the subject of ornamentation, which he has incorporated into numerous facades and walls as an artist. He gives national and international lectures and courses on ornamentation and is a lecturer at the Munich Academy of Design and Art.Heinz SchützHeinz Schütz is an art theorist, critic, publicist and lecturer at various universities. He conceived and curated the international research and exhibition project Performing the City. Since 1987 he is a permanent correspondent for Kunstforum International and author of numerous publications and writings on contemporary art.Manuel WillManuel Will is an archaeologist and paleoanthropologist at the University of Tübingen with a research focus on the cultural and biological evolution of humans in Africa. He is currently leading archaeological excavations in Germany and South Africa, and researching the material culture of Homo sapiens during the Paleolithic.