Imagine Picasso | 誠品線上

Imagine Picasso

作者 Androula Michael
商品描述 Imagine Picasso:TheimmersiveexhibitionImaginePicassomakesitpossibletodiscoverPabloPicasso’sworkfromnew,innovativeangles.Eachvisitorisinvitedtowanderthroughamo


內容簡介 The immersive exhibition Imagine Picasso makes it possible to discover Pablo Picasso’s work from new, innovative angles. Each visitor is invited to wander through a mosaic of emblematic paintings, removed from their frames and projected on a huge origami-like forms. Penetrating the mesmerizing world of unusual compositions of large-scale artworks gives the opportunity to explore the richness of details of Picasso’s art. The album offers the possibility to relive the immersive experience through multiple photos from the exhibition. They are accompanied by texts by Androula Michael which provide clear descriptions of different Picasso’s periods and of subjects that were dear to him. The reader can discover Picasso’s art from the early years, through blue and pink period, cubism, “neoclassical” period, surrealism, up to his final years. Les demoiselles d’Avignon, Portrait of Dora Maar, Guernica and many more are to be explored in this book that offers a new way of looking at the work of this genius of modern art.


作者介紹 Androula Michael Androula Michael is an art historian, author of numerous books and publications on Pablo Picasso. She teaches contemporary art history at the University of Picardie – Jules Verne, France.


書名 / Imagine Picasso
作者 / Androula Michael
簡介 / Imagine Picasso:TheimmersiveexhibitionImaginePicassomakesitpossibletodiscoverPabloPicasso’sworkfromnew,innovativeangles.Eachvisitorisinvitedtowanderthroughamo
ISBN13 / 9782370741776
ISBN10 / 2370741775
EAN / 9782370741776
誠品26碼 / 2682162266005
頁數 / 64
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 27X23X0CM
級別 / N:無
