內容簡介 本書獨家附贈124個正版樂高組件,還有全長90公分的組裝賽車道,以及精美紙零件,不需要其他工具,只要動動雙手,就能打造出賽車道和10款酷炫賽車,以及更多可供自行發揮的創意賽車,進行各種有趣的競賽與實驗。除了組裝酷炫賽車,書中還要帶大家認識速度的科學,也就是牛頓三大運動定律,瞭解只要對賽車重量或外型做出微小改變,就可能是決定勝負的關鍵;同時也要認識真實世界裡的風格車,以及各種讓車子奔馳的動力來源,當然更別錯過世界級賽車大賽的精采介紹。by水滴文化The ultimate kit for LEGO fans and car enthusiasts alike! Assemble a high-quality chipboard track to set the scene for your LEGO derby, then build 10 LEGO race cars with step-by-step instructions and pit them against each other.Who will win — Phoenix '77, Winged Chariot, El Scorpio, or perhaps even a souped-up build you've customized yourself? Fun, non-fiction content highlights the coolest, fastest, and weirdest cars to ever exist. (Do you know the differences between NASCAR and Formula One? Did you know there's a car that runs on coffee?!) Learn aerodynamic tips and tricks to put physics into action, with this playful STEM kit that lets your build, rebuild, and experiment to create the best car in your LEGO collection!"