Balance: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth | 誠品線上

Balance: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth

作者 安德魯.哈藍
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 Balance: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth:安德魯.哈藍《平衡心態:掌握成功的四腳桌法則,穩步累積你的財富、幸福與健康》Stopchasingmoneyan


內容簡介 為了財務自由,生活卻失衡不自由?一本讓你用錢換時間、時間換幸福的理財魔法書★ 最暢銷ETF工具書《我用死薪水輕鬆理財賺千萬》強力續作★ 大失衡時代,達到財務自由的最簡單策略,以及進階思考★ 墨基爾、伯恩斯坦、麥爾茲 都推崇的人生投資觀念★ 知名財經作家──綠角〈專文推薦〉主動投資人生、被動投資金錢,你的成功不必截長補短!如果追求財富是在做選擇,那麼人生就是選擇下的平衡。這世上有人賺大錢卻破產,也有人賺不多卻堅持行善──太多案例告訴我們,財富不代表自由,更不保證你的人生會成功又出色。本書深入一般人對投資現實、以及金錢與幸福之間的誤解。你將透過投資的科學,以及發人省思的真實故事,改造你財務自由之路上偏見與不良行為,找到平衡金錢與美好人生的甜蜜點。破除90%理財迷思,拒絕窮忙的平衡心態──本書將細說以下重要觀念:‧ 像真的有錢人一樣花錢,你就不需要富爸爸‧ 你此生最應該珍視的四個重要之物‧ 養好財務體質,你就能輕鬆拒絕高薪工作‧ 哪些行為會讓人生貶值?如何避開?‧ 別人恐懼你輕鬆的「懶骨頭投資組合」進階版‧ 你家的錢給誰管?讓氣氛最好、效益最高的家庭財務思考‧ 用錢換時間、時間換取美好經驗的正向循環用最安全無憂的方法,讓財富與你最重視的東西保持一致哈藍在19歲那年,遇到了一個擁有百萬財富的黑手。他深受啟發,也想看看自己未來能否靠著教職的死薪水,如法炮製。他不斷嘗試,找到了勝率最高、風險最低的指數化投資策略,在38歲時就建立起100萬美元的投資組合。哈藍老師的方法受到大量學術研究的支持,而且非常簡單,每年花不到90分鐘,正如他所言:「奇怪的是,學校沒有教我們這些。結果,大多數人不知不覺被所謂的專家利用。我將告訴你這些學校沒教的事,如果你耐心遵循,致富的機會就會大大提高。」本中文書介出自一起來出版《平衡心態: 掌握成功的四腳桌法則, 穩步累積你的財富、幸福與健康》Stop chasing money and start redefining successSure, money is important. And yes, it can make you happy―but only up to a point. The truth is, science has shown that we each have a set point that links our earnings with happiness; go beyond that point, and your happiness ceases to increase with income.In this illuminating guide to living a financially healthier, and happier, life, bestselling author and financial journalist Andrew Hallam demonstrates how you can optimize your income for maximum happiness by investing responsibly and living according to your values. You’ll find tips for using robo investors, insights for investing in socially responsible funds, and how to craft a personal budget that aligns your spending with what you hold most dear.Drawing on behavioural science, evidence-based investing, and environmental science, he shows you how to start framing success in a way that actually brings happiness, not stress, into your life―by balancing your money, connection, health, and purpose.Whether you’re a broke teenager, a middle-aged millionaire or someone who hopes to retire on a shoestring, we all have one thing in common: we want to enjoy our lives. That means living better and laughing more. It means caring for the environment and helping our children to succeed―while defining “success” the way we really should.


作者介紹 Andrew HallamWhen Andrew Hallam isn’t fighting off mosquitoes in tropical jungles, cycling up a mountain with his wife during a downpour or trying to drive to Argentina in a van, he’s speaking and writing about happiness and personal finance. The former high school teacher wrote the international best-selling books, Millionaire Teacher and Millionaire Expat. Profiled on such media as CNBC and The Wall Street Journal, he’s the first person to have a #1 selling finance book on Amazon USA, Amazon Canada and Amazon UAE. He has written columns for The Globe and Mail, Canadian Business, MoneySense, Swissquote and AssetBuilder. You can access his website at


書名 / Balance: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth
作者 / 安德魯.哈藍
簡介 / Balance: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth:安德魯.哈藍《平衡心態:掌握成功的四腳桌法則,穩步累積你的財富、幸福與健康》Stopchasingmoneyan
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781774580752
ISBN10 / 1774580756
EAN / 9781774580752
誠品26碼 / 2682101266004
頁數 / 280
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X0.1CM
級別 / N:無
