The Other Renaissance: From Copernicus to Shakespeare | 誠品線上

The Other Renaissance: From Copernicus to Shakespeare

作者 Paul Strathern
商品描述 The Other Renaissance: From Copernicus to Shakespeare:【文藝復興的再發現:北歐洲文藝復興的崛起與其影響】Anoriginal,illuminatinghistoryofthenorthernEuropeanRena


內容簡介 An original, illuminating history of the northern European Renaissance in art, science, and philosophy, which often rivaled its Italian counterpart. It is generally accepted that the European Renaissance began in Italy. However, a historical transformation of similar magnitude also took place in northern Europe at the same time. This "Other Renaissance" was initially centered on the city of Bruges in Flanders (modern Belgium), but its influence was soon being felt in France, the German states, London, and even in Italy itself. The northern Renaissance, like the southern Renaissance, largely took place during the period between the end of the Medieval age (circa mid-14th century) and the advent of the Age of Enlightenment (circa end of 17th century). Following a sequence of major figures, including Copernicus, Gutenberg, Luther, Catherine de’ Medici, Rabelais, van Eyck, and Shakespeare, Paul Strathern tells the fascinating story of how this "Other Renaissance" played as significant a role as the Italian renaissance in bringing our modern world into being.


作者介紹 Paul StrathernPaul Strathern is a Somerset Maugham Award-winning novelist, and his nonfiction works include The Venetians, Death in Florence, The Medici, Mendeleyev’s Dream, The Florentines, Empire, and The Borgias, all available from Pegasus Books. He lives in England.


書名 / The Other Renaissance: From Copernicus to Shakespeare
作者 / Paul Strathern
簡介 / The Other Renaissance: From Copernicus to Shakespeare:【文藝復興的再發現:北歐洲文藝復興的崛起與其影響】Anoriginal,illuminatinghistoryofthenorthernEuropeanRena
ISBN13 / 9781838955168
ISBN10 / 183895516X
EAN / 9781838955168
誠品26碼 / 2682343818009
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X2.7CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 文藝復興的再發現:北歐洲文藝復興的崛起與其影響
