My First Peter Rabbit Collection (4冊合售) | 誠品線上

My First Peter Rabbit Collection (4冊合售)

作者 碧雅翠絲.波特
商品描述 My First Peter Rabbit Collection (4冊合售):MyFirstPeterRabbitCollectionisagentleselectionofstoriesforbedtime.TheperfectgifttointroducetheclassictalesofPeterRab


內容簡介 我的第一本彼得兔精選集 厚紙板書寶寶的彼得兔經典睡前故事 收錄4個碧雅翠絲.波特創作的故事,講述調皮小兔子彼得和他的朋友,一起玩耍、探險的故事。 The Tale of Peter Rabbit兔媽媽再三告誡小兔們千萬不要進入麥先生的菜園,因為爸爸就是在那兒落入陷阱的。三隻小兔子都很聽媽媽的話,唯獨最調皮的彼得偷偷溜進麥先生的菜園裡大吃特吃,吃到忘我。菜園另一邊的麥先生見狀,氣急敗壞地衝向彼得,彼得用盡全力逃跑,慌忙中,不小心弄丟了自己的上衣和鞋子。 The Tale of Benjamin Bunny表哥班傑明去找小兔彼得玩。看到彼得裹著紅圍巾坐著角落,一臉傷心樣。原來彼得在麥先生的菜園裡弄丟藍夾克和鞋子。班傑明便帶著彼得,趁麥先生夫婦出門時,前往菜園取回。沒想到途中竟遇到大貓…。千鈞一髮之際,班傑明的爸爸來了,神氣地趕走了大貓! The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies小兔Flopsy一家的食物櫃都空了,於是全家出動覓食。他們在清理腐爛蔬菜堆時睡著了,被麥先抓住,將兔子們一一裝進麻袋裡。幸好,小兔班傑明和小老鼠Thomasina Tittlemouse ,趁麥先生不注意時,解開麻袋救出了Flopsy一家。班傑明和Flopsy合力將腐爛的蔬菜裝進麻袋。 The Tale of Mr. Tod狐狸Tod先生和獾 Tommy Brock都是令人頭痛的鄰居,彼此敵對。Tod先生擁有多處房屋。 而獾常常未經允許占用狐狸的房子。有一天,獾外出拜訪兔子Mr. Bouncer ,卻趁機偷走的Mr. Bouncer小孫子。Mr. Bouncer趕進追擊,跟到了狐狸Tod的家。而小偷—獾 Tommy Brock,竟然在床上睡覺。狐狸得知房屋被占,生氣地出面和獾展開決鬥。兔子Mr. Bouncer趕快帶孩子逃走。My First Peter Rabbit Collection is a gentle selection of stories for bedtime.The perfect gift to introduce the classic tales of Peter Rabbit.This wonderful collection brings together four of Beatrix Potter stories, each featuring a mischievous little rabbit and his friends, this giftset contains:The Tale of Peter RabbitThe Tale of Benjamin BunnyThe Tale of the Flopsy BunniesThe Tale of Mr. TodThe ideal introduction to Beatrix Potter's iconic character and much-loved tales.


作者介紹 Beatrix PotterBeatrix Potter is one of the world's best-loved children's authors of all time. From her first book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit (1902) she went on to create a series of stories based around animal characters including Mrs Tiggy-winkle, Mr Jeremy Fisher and Tom Kitten. Her humorous, lively tales and beautiful illustrations have become a natural part of childhood.A source of inspiration was the Lake District where she lived for the last thirty years of her life as a farmer and conservationist.


書名 / My First Peter Rabbit Collection (4冊合售)
作者 / 碧雅翠絲.波特
簡介 / My First Peter Rabbit Collection (4冊合售):MyFirstPeterRabbitCollectionisagentleselectionofstoriesforbedtime.TheperfectgifttointroducetheclassictalesofPeterRab
ISBN13 / 9780241618509
ISBN10 / 0241618509
EAN / 9780241618509
誠品26碼 / 2682381262000
頁數 / 272
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15X14.6X10.8CM
級別 / N:無