The Tyranny of Merit: Can We Find the Common Good? | 誠品線上

The Tyranny of Merit: Can We Find the Common Good?

作者 邁可.桑德爾
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 The Tyranny of Merit: Can We Find the Common Good?:Theworld-renownedphilosopherandauthorofthebestsellingJusticeexploresthecentralquestionofourtime:Whathasbecom


內容簡介 直視當代社會最重大的課題與挑戰,前所未見的反思角度與解方,在各國激起全新對話!《衛報》2020年度最佳觀點好書空降英國、美國、德國、荷蘭、西班牙、韓國、巴西暢銷榜《彭博》《新政治家》《泰晤士報文學增刊》2020年度選書是什麼讓我們失去了一同思索重大公共問題的能力,甚至傾聽對方都有困難?面對疫情危機,人們該如何才能同舟共濟?當不同立場的人再也無法溝通,只能不斷撕裂;當「成功者」與「失敗者」衡量價值的方式失去交集;當人民愈來愈不相信政府,更無法信任觀點相異的人……桑德爾認為,是我們看待「成功」的方式,讓社會陷入了前所未見的困境!這是一個「贏家」與「輸家」截然劃分的年代,機會與命運,只會眷顧本就幸運的那群人,而「只要努力便能成功」成了天大的謊言。若你幸運擁有市場經濟重視的才能,便能往上爬;反之,只能跌落機會之梯。失敗者的憤怒與挫折感不斷醞釀,造成了民粹主義的崛起,人們在不同的立場之間撕裂對立,就連「贏家」也活得辛苦──這是當前世界所面臨的最大危機。桑德爾細細爬梳這一切的根源,述說菁英才德思想是如何創造出平等的假象,帶領讀者深度思辨──我們究竟該如何定義「成功」,打造一個讓所有人都能擁有幸福與尊嚴的社會,甚至面對疫情的挑戰?他從三大層面提出擲地有聲的討論:教育的本質與目的、如何建立每一份工作的價值與尊嚴、重新反思成功的意義;並提醒我們保持謙卑、珍惜所有人的付出,積極討論能夠讓社會更公平、更正義的具體作為。這是混亂世局中,我們都必須重新學習的一堂課,無論在政界、社群或是教室,我們都能夠藉由書中的思辨,一起提升公共利益,讓每一個人都真正擁有尊嚴和幸福。本中文書介出自《成功的反思: 混亂世局中, 我們必須重新學習的一堂課》先覺出版股份有限公司出版A Times Literary Supplement’s Book of the Year 2020A New Statesman's Best Book of 2020A Bloomberg's Best Book of 2020A Guardian Best Book About Ideas of 2020The world-renowned philosopher and author of the bestselling Justice explores the central question of our time: What has become of the common good?These are dangerous times for democracy. We live in an age of winners and losers, where the odds are stacked in favor of the already fortunate. Stalled social mobility and entrenched inequality give the lie to the American credo that "you can make it if you try ". The consequence is a brew of anger and frustration that has fueled populist protest and extreme polarization, and led to deep distrust of both government and our fellow citizens--leaving us morally unprepared to face the profound challenges of our time.World-renowned philosopher Michael J. Sandel argues that to overcome the crises that are upending our world, we must rethink the attitudes toward success and failure that have accompanied globalization and rising inequality. Sandel shows the hubris a meritocracy generates among the winners and the harsh judgement it imposes on those left behind, and traces the dire consequences across a wide swath of American life. He offers an alternative way of thinking about success--more attentive to the role of luck in human affairs, more conducive to an ethic of humility and solidarity, and more affirming of the dignity of work. The Tyranny of Merit points us toward a hopeful vision of a new politics of the common good."


作者介紹 Michael J. Sandel teaches political philosophy at Harvard University. His books What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets and Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? were international best sellers and have been translated into 27 languages. Sandel's legendary course ""Justice"" was the first Harvard course to be made freely available online and has been viewed by tens of millions. His BBC series ""The Public Philosopher"" explores the philosophical ideas lying behind the headlines with participants from around the world.


書名 / The Tyranny of Merit: Can We Find the Common Good?
作者 / 邁可.桑德爾
簡介 / The Tyranny of Merit: Can We Find the Common Good?:Theworld-renownedphilosopherandauthorofthebestsellingJusticeexploresthecentralquestionofourtime:Whathasbecom
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250800060
ISBN10 / 1250800064
EAN / 9781250800060
誠品26碼 / 2682055542001
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14X0.1CM
級別 / N:無