Solace in Nature: Homes that Blend with the Landscape | 誠品線上

Solace in Nature: Homes that Blend with the Landscape

作者 The Images Publishing Group
商品描述 Solace in Nature: Homes that Blend with the Landscape:Thisbookisatreatiseonhowtoreconnectpeoplewithnaturethroughcontemporaryarchitectureanddesign.SolaceinNatur


內容簡介 "Featuring dozens of photographs that will have you turning green with envy" - i-news This book is a treatise on how to reconnect people with nature through contemporary architecture and design. Solace in Nature is about finding solace within the landscape in the bluffs, mountains, hills, woodlands, forests, bushland reserves or hinterlands without eschewing the mode of luxury living associated with sophisticated design elegance and innovative architectural features. Showcasing dozens of new, innovative architectural styles and interiors, these captivating and beautifully designed homes have taken indoor outdoor living to a whole new level, blending architecture seamlessly into the surrounding vistas without resorting to architectural cliché. Each design documents the importance of place, engages context with climate, and offers residents with spaces that cater to different modes of family living, all the while being integrated organically within spectacularly dramatic yet serene settings.


作者介紹 Robert SwattRobert Swatt, FAIA, of Swatt | Miers Architects wrote the introduction. Swatt's work has gained international recognition for creating distinctive, livable modern architecture, especially beautiful, sustainable, and user-responsive buildings, including contemporary residential designs. The firm's award-winning private residences emphasize spatial continuity, strong connections to the land, and transparency that dissolves the boundary between indoors and outdoors.


書名 / Solace in Nature: Homes that Blend with the Landscape
作者 / The Images Publishing Group
簡介 / Solace in Nature: Homes that Blend with the Landscape:Thisbookisatreatiseonhowtoreconnectpeoplewithnaturethroughcontemporaryarchitectureanddesign.SolaceinNatur
ISBN13 / 9781864708448
ISBN10 / 1864708441
EAN / 9781864708448
誠品26碼 / 2681944908003
頁數 / 240
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.8X22.2X2.8CM
級別 / N:無