World Travel: An Irreverent Guide | 誠品線上

World Travel: An Irreverent Guide

作者 Anthony Bourdain/ Laurie Woolever
商品描述 World Travel: An Irreverent Guide:【透過AnthonyBourdain的視角帶您走遍世界!】安東尼.波登/勞莉.屋勒佛《波登的世界旅遊指南:一直在路上,體驗在地風味的非典型之旅


內容簡介 透過 Anthony Bourdain 的視角帶您走遍世界!傳奇名廚安安東尼.波登的最後遺作!旅行,是體驗人生的一部分,透過波登獨特的視角,與他遊遍全世界。「波登帶領我們認識美食,但更重要的是,他透過食物把各地的人們連結在一起,讓我們不再畏懼未知的事物。」——美國前總統 歐巴馬「如果說我這輩子提倡過什麼信念,應該就是『走出去』了。走遠一點、看多一些,上山下海、體驗別人的生命,或者至少,嚐嚐他們吃的食物。」——安東尼•波登這是一本從波登視角出發的全球旅遊指南,藉由他的長期助手、同時也是《食指大動》共同作者勞莉•屋勒佛,從波登的文章與電視節目裡的資料,精選整理並撰寫成份量紮實的新書,使人們得再與波登一起世界走透透,進行一場紙上之旅與美食饗宴。他一如既往對異國食物提出直言不諱的評論,但對世上的弱勢族群或文化也充滿人文關懷。在這本書裡,我們能直接看見波登的思維與偏好,了解爲什麼他鍾愛某些造訪過的地點。波登一生換過十二本護照,每年有兩百五十天在旅行,訪問過近一百個國家。他曾說,旅行並非總是美妙或舒適的,但沒關係,旅程會改變你,在你的記憶、意識、心頭與身體留下痕跡,你也會從中得到什麼。本書將波登生前的話語「原音重現」,用他獨特的方式推薦了四十三個國家的餐廳、飯店及旅遊景點。從他家鄉紐約偏僻的小鎮,到婆羅洲部落酋長的帳篷;從世界級大都市巴黎和上海,到美麗的坦尚尼亞和一望無際的阿曼,讀者都能隨之周遊列國,尋幽探秘。其中也包括波登於2013年來訪台灣時,特別推薦擁有眾多街頭美食的基隆廟口,像是鼎邊趖、刈包、帝王螃蟹等,還有集結購物與小吃機能的饒河街夜市,以及被他譽為「小籠包界的大師」的鼎泰豐。本書的另一位共同作者屋勒佛,則根據自己的旅遊經驗和對波登個人喜好的瞭解,為讀者提供許多非常實用的建議,例如:如何到達目的地、當地有哪些美食、住宿推薦,以及要注意哪些旅遊陷阱......,這些資訊都能讓讀者進一步理解波登推薦那些迷人之地的原因。在出書前,她更一一核查這些推薦的餐廳是否仍舊營業,以確保這些訊息的實用性。(但受到疫情影響,出版後餐廳資訊仍可能略有變動)書中還收錄波登的朋友、同事和家人撰寫的短文,包括波登的弟弟克里斯對和他一起旅行的嘲諷;電視節目製作人納利.桂訴說了在首爾拍攝節目時漸漸接受自身韓裔背景的故事……等。此外,每篇文章也都搭配由美國知名插畫家衛斯理‧奧斯布魯克(Wesley Allsbrook)繪製的俏皮插畫,讓讀者能更悠閒而愜意地閱讀本書。本中文書介出自《波登的世界旅遊指南: 一直在路上, 體驗在地風味的非典型之旅》時報文化出版企業股份有限公司出版--------A guide to some of the world’s most fascinating places, as seen and experienced by writer, television host, and relentlessly curious traveler Anthony BourdainAnthony Bourdain saw more of the world than nearly anyone. His travels took him from the hidden pockets of his hometown of New York to a tribal longhouse in Borneo, from cosmopolitan Buenos Aires, Paris, and Shanghai to Tanzania’s utter beauty and the stunning desert solitude of Oman’s Empty Quarter—and many places beyond.In World Travel, a life of experience is collected into an entertaining, practical, fun and frank travel guide that gives readers an introduction to some of his favorite places—in his own words. Featuring essential advice on how to get there, what to eat, where to stay and, in some cases, what to avoid, World Travel provides essential context that will help readers further appreciate the reasons why Bourdain found a place enchanting and memorable.Supplementing Bourdain’s words are a handful of essays by friends, colleagues, and family that tell even deeper stories about a place, including sardonic accounts of traveling with Bourdain by his brother, Christopher; a guide to Chicago’s best cheap eats by legendary music producer Steve Albini, and more. Additionally, each chapter includes illustrations by Wesley Allsbrook.For veteran travelers, armchair enthusiasts, and those in between, World Travel offers a chance to experience the world like Anthony Bourdain.


作者介紹 Anthony BourdainAnthony Bourdain was the author of the novels Bone in the Throat and Gone Bamboo, the memoir A Cook's Tour, and the New York Times bestsellers Kitchen Confidential, Medium Raw, and Appetites. His work appeared in the New York Times and The New Yorker. He was the host of the popular television shows No Reservations and Parts Unknown. Bourdain died in June 2018.Laurie Woolever Laurie Woolever is a writer and editor, and spent nearly a decade assisting Anthony Bourdain, with whom she coauthored the cookbook Appetites in 2016. She's written about food and travel for the New York Times, GQ, Food & Wine, Lucky Peach, Saveur, Dissent, Roads & Kingdoms, and others, and has worked as an editor at Art Culinaire and Wine Spectator.


書名 / World Travel: An Irreverent Guide
作者 / Anthony Bourdain Laurie Woolever
簡介 / World Travel: An Irreverent Guide:【透過AnthonyBourdain的視角帶您走遍世界!】安東尼.波登 勞莉.屋勒佛《波登的世界旅遊指南:一直在路上,體驗在地風味的非典型之旅
ISBN13 / 9780062802798
ISBN10 / 0062802798
EAN / 9780062802798
誠品26碼 / 2681984076007
頁數 / 480
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X0CM
級別 / N:無
