The Pull of the Stars | 誠品線上


作者 愛瑪.唐納修
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 The Pull of the Stars:《星空下的隔離病房》暢銷作者EmmaDonoghue繼《房間》之後,最受讚譽的新作。1918年西班牙流感大流行期間,一位都柏林的產房護理師、一位被警方通


內容簡介 「一部關於百年前流感疫情的小說,讀起來卻完完全全切合當下,描繪出今昔同樣的挫敗、緊繃、希望、危難。」──《洛杉磯時報》這是迎接新生命的產房,也是死神蟄伏的絕望之地;看不見的病原體讓我們的命運在此交會,如同天上的繁星被無形的引力牽動……★柯克斯書評:「愛瑪‧唐納修繼《房間》之後的最佳作品。」★加拿大版登上全國暢銷冠軍、美國版空降《紐約時報》銷售排行榜★全球最大書評網站Goodreads讀者票選年度最佳歷史小說入圍┤故事簡介├一九一八年的愛爾蘭,同時蔓延著獨立運動的烽火與致命的流感疫情,位於首府都柏林的醫院每日湧入發燒咳嗽的病患、送走一具具面色青黑的屍體,只能靠著勞累不堪的醫護人員與教會的救濟勉強維持運行。在正規的產房之外,一間狹窄而簡陋的儲藏室被院方劃為臨時隔離區,所有出現流感症狀的待產婦女都將集中於此。婦產科護士茱莉亞一早來到這間病房時,原本的護理長已經染疫倒下,這裡只剩下她和熱心卻缺乏醫療訓練的年輕助手布芮蒂,照顧三名病況不穩定又即將臨盆的病患。在物資缺乏又孤立無援的絕境中,茱莉亞帶著布芮蒂奮力協助這些產婦準備迎接新生兒的來臨,傾聽她們的憂慮、孤獨與恐懼,卻難以阻止擴散的疫情與產程中的併發症威脅她們與胎兒的生命。就在茱莉亞和布芮蒂逐漸陷入絕望之際,一位醫術精湛但背景成謎的女醫生走進病房,挽救了性命危急的難產病患,但緝捕叛亂份子的警察也隨後闖進醫院搜索,使得原本就氣氛陰鬱的院內更加人心惶惶。這位神祕的醫生究竟為何來到這間眾人避之惟恐不及的病房?她會成為茱莉亞、布芮蒂和病人們的救星,或是為她們帶來比病毒更致命的危機……?┤本書特色├The Pull of the Stars取自流感(influenza)一詞的義大利文詞源,源於古人以為疫病是星象「影響」而產生。小說的四個章節分別名為紅、褐、藍、黑,指的則是流感病人從發病到死亡的面色變化。創作靈感來自作者在2018年所讀到關於西班牙流感的史料,初稿完成之後便遇上COVID-19疫情侵襲歐美,這部小說的切時性和寫實色彩得到眾多讀者與書評家所肯定。描寫市井小民的生活被疫情衝擊,人人自危的焦慮氣氛無處不在,隔離者與親友分離的痛苦,以及階級與性別的不平等在公衛危機下激化的情形,既傳神且動人地表達同理關懷,也不著痕跡地融入了社會批判。本中文書介出自《星空下的隔離病房》臉譜出版社出版In Dublin, 1918, a maternity ward at the height of the Great Flu is a small world of work, risk, death, and unlooked-for love, in "Donoghue's best novel since Room " (Kirkus Reviews).In an Ireland doubly ravaged by war and disease, Nurse Julia Power works at an understaffed hospital in the city center, where expectant mothers who have come down with the terrible new Flu are quarantined together. Into Julia's regimented world step two outsiders—Doctor Kathleen Lynn, a rumoured Rebel on the run from the police, and a young volunteer helper, Bridie Sweeney.In the darkness and intensity of this tiny ward, over three days, these women change each other's lives in unexpected ways. They lose patients to this baffling pandemic, but they also shepherd new life into a fearful world. With tireless tenderness and humanity, carers and mothers alike somehow do their impossible work.In The Pull of the Stars, Emma Donoghue once again finds the light in the darkness in this new classic of hope and survival against all odds."


作者介紹 Born in Dublin in 1969, Emma Donoghue is an Irish emigrant twice over: she spent eight years in Cambridge doing a PhD in eighteenth-century literature before moving to London, Ontario, where she lives with her partner and their two children. She also migrates between genres, writing literary history, biography, stage and radio plays as well as fairy tales and short stories. She is best known for her novels, which range from the historical (Slammerkin, Life Mask, Landing, The Sealed Letter) to the contemporary (Stir-Fry, Hood, Landing). Her international bestseller Room was a New York Times Best Book of 2010 and was a finalist for the Man Booker, Commonwealth, and Orange Prizes. For more information, visit


書名 / The Pull of the Stars
作者 / 愛瑪.唐納修
簡介 / The Pull of the Stars:《星空下的隔離病房》暢銷作者EmmaDonoghue繼《房間》之後,最受讚譽的新作。1918年西班牙流感大流行期間,一位都柏林的產房護理師、一位被警方通
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9780316499033
ISBN10 / 031649903X
EAN / 9780316499033
誠品26碼 / 2682037884006
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14X2CM
級別 / N:無