The Last Chairlift | 誠品線上

The Last Chairlift

作者 約翰.厄文
商品描述 The Last Chairlift:《蘋果酒屋法則》作者約翰‧厄文2022新作!JohnIrving,oneoftheworld’sgreatestnovelists,returnswithhisfirstnovelinsevenyears—aghoststory,alove


內容簡介 John Irving, one of the world’s greatest novelists, returns with his first novel in seven years—a ghost story, a love story, and a lifetime of sexual politics.In Aspen, Colorado, in 1941, Rachel Brewster is a slalom skier at the National Downhill and Slalom Championships. Little Ray, as she is called, finishes nowhere near the podium, but she manages to get pregnant. Back home, in New England, Little Ray becomes a ski instructor.Her son, Adam, grows up in a family that defies conventions and evades questions concerning the eventful past. Years later, looking for answers, Adam will go to Aspen. In the Hotel Jerome, where he was conceived, Adam will meet some ghosts; in The Last Chairlift, they aren’t the first or the last ghosts he sees.John Irving has written some of the most acclaimed books of our time—among them, The World According to Garp and The Cider House Rules. A visionary voice on the subject of sexual tolerance, Irving is a bard of alternative families. In The Last Chairlift, readers will once more be in his thrall."


作者介紹 John IrvingJohn Irving was born in Exeter, New Hampshire, in 1942. His first novel, Setting Free the Bears, was published in 1968, when he was twenty-six. He competed as a wrestler for twenty years, and coached wrestling until he was forty-seven. He is a member of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in Stillwater, Oklahoma. In 1980, Mr. Irving won a National Book Award for his novel The World According to Garp. In 2000, he won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for The Cider House Rules. In 2013, he won a Lambda Literary Award for his novel In One Person. An international writer, his novels have been translated into almost forty languages. His all-time bestselling novel, in every language, is A Prayer for Owen Meany. A dual citizen of the United States and Canada, John Irving lives in Toronto.


書名 / The Last Chairlift
作者 / 約翰.厄文
簡介 / The Last Chairlift:《蘋果酒屋法則》作者約翰‧厄文2022新作!JohnIrving,oneoftheworld’sgreatestnovelists,returnswithhisfirstnovelinsevenyears—aghoststory,alove
ISBN13 / 9781501189272
ISBN10 / 1501189271
EAN / 9781501189272
誠品26碼 / 2682200091002
頁數 / 912
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X15.9X2.7CM
級別 / N:無
