A Single Man | 誠品線上


作者 克里斯多福.伊薛伍德
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 A Single Man:《單身》WhenChristopherIsherwood'sASingleManfirstappeared,itshockedmanywithitsfrank,sympathetic,andmovingportrayalofagaymaninmaturity.Isherwood'sf


內容簡介 「現在」這一刻遲早會到,而「死亡」就住在未來……他在註定毀滅的小世界裡祈求著萬事平安。如果真能活下來,僥倖的究竟是哪一部分?半個世紀的等待,終於等到這本《單身》二十世紀英美同志文學優雅開場的傳世經典前GUCCI時尚總監湯姆福特執導、奧斯卡影帝柯林佛斯主演 電影《摯愛無盡》原著小說在還不知道什麼叫「出櫃」的年代,一個男人失去摯愛並永遠無望被理解的故事。 小說時代背景在1962年的洛杉磯,男主角喬治是位大學文學院教授,故事發生在一天之中,開始於喬治對失去戀人的哀悼,而這一天的開始也可能是他一生的最後一日。伊薛伍德寫出那個年代人們壓抑的情感,內心與外在的斷裂,呈現出整個六零年代初期美國社會窒息保守的氛圍,精采刻畫出不受社會接納的人們內在的心思。美國知名同志作家艾德蒙懷特(Edmund White)曾盛讚這部小說:「為現代同志解放做了開場,一部經典之作。」本中文書介出《單身》新經典圖文傳播有限公司出版When Christopher Isherwood's A Single Man first appeared, it shocked many with its frank, sympathetic, and moving portrayal of a gay man in maturity. Isherwood's favorite of his own novels, it now stands as a classic lyric meditation on life as an outsider.Welcome to sunny suburban 1960s Southern California. George is a gay middle-aged English professor, adjusting to solitude after the tragic death of his young partner. He is determined to persist in the routines of his former life. A Single Man follows him over the course of an ordinary twenty-four hours. Behind his British reserve, tides of grief, rage, and loneliness surge—but what is revealed is a man who loves being alive despite all the everyday injustices."


作者介紹 Christopher Isherwood (1904-1986) was born in Manchester, England, and lived in Berlin from 1929 to 1933 and immigrated to the United States in 1939. A major figure in twentieth-century fiction and the gay rights movement, he wrote more than twenty books. FSG Classics presents some of his finest work, including the novels Prater Violet, A Single Man, and A Meeting by the River; the semi-autobiographical Lions and Shadows; and the memoir Christopher and His Kind.


書名 / A Single Man
作者 / 克里斯多福.伊薛伍德
簡介 / A Single Man:《單身》WhenChristopherIsherwood'sASingleManfirstappeared,itshockedmanywithitsfrank,sympathetic,andmovingportrayalofagaymaninmaturity.Isherwood'sf
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9780374533878
ISBN10 / 0374533873
EAN / 9780374533878
誠品26碼 / 2682067036000
頁數 / 192
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.1X14.1X1.4CM
級別 / N:無