Inside Milan | 誠品線上

Inside Milan

作者 Nicolò Castellini Baldissera
商品描述 Inside Milan:InsideMilanventuresbehindcloseddoorsinthisuniqueculturalcapitalthatisrenownedasaworldleaderinfashion,design,art,andindustry.Inthisbeautifullyphoto


內容簡介 Interior designer Nicolò Castellini Baldissera and fashion and interiors photographer Guido Taroni offer a privileged glimpse into the homes of Milan’s foremost creative residents"


作者介紹 Nicolò Castellini Baldissera Nicolò Castellini Baldissera is an interior designer and decorator who has worked around the world over the past three decades. The great-grandson of Piero Portaluppi, a leading figure in Italian modern architecture, and son of Piero Castellini Baldissera, an accomplished architect and designer, he developed a characteristic style defined by color, collecting, and tastefully curated interiors. Born in Milan, Castellini Baldissera lives there and in Tangier. This is his second book, following the success of Inside Tangier, his first collaboration with Taroni. Guido Taroni is a Milan-based interiors and fashion photographer. Working from a young age with his uncle, famed fashion photographer Giovanni Gastel, Taroni developed his own personal style, rooted in the pursuit of chromatic harmony and sophisticated simplicity. His work has been regularly exhibited as well as featured in acclaimed magazines such as AD, Town & Country, and Cabana. Taroni's books include Inside Tangier and Safari Style.


書名 / Inside Milan
作者 / Nicolò Castellini Baldissera
簡介 / Inside Milan:InsideMilanventuresbehindcloseddoorsinthisuniqueculturalcapitalthatisrenownedasaworldleaderinfashion,design,art,andindustry.Inthisbeautifullyphoto
ISBN13 / 9780865654099
ISBN10 / 0865654093
EAN / 9780865654099
誠品26碼 / 2682195206009
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30.5X23.5X1CM
級別 / N:無