內容簡介 超現實主義手法描繪幼兒面對焦慮的想像 小女孩Nasla長大了,不再玩烏龜娃娃了。Nasla請爸爸把娃娃收在她的衣櫥頂。夜晚,Nasla睡不著,老覺得那娃娃的黃色眼睛一直在盯著她。是不是娃娃不開心?Nasla很想唱歌趕走憂懼,但是晚上不能唱歌阿。Nasla的擔心加劇,那黃點點會不會愈變愈大,吞沒她呢?她起身近看,發現爸爸也把以前的大象娃娃、缺腿的河馬、巨大螞蟻…放到衣櫥頂。Nasla想和這些動物說說話,尤其是大象,但是夜晚,不行說話。Nasla看看月亮,她想跳舞,轉移恐懼,但是太晚了,不行。接著,Nasla又聽到一些聲音,那是她的玩具在說話嗎?焦慮的Nasla,最後在枕頭下,摸到媽媽小時候給她的小毯子,摸著摸著,睡著了。夢裡,娃娃們都圍在一起開派對呢!超現實主義手法描繪幼兒面對焦慮、克服焦慮的想像。 At bedtime, a mysterious yellow dot appears above the top of Nasla's wardrobe--the new home for her toys now that she's decided she's too old to sleep with stuffed animals. Could it be Timboubou the elephant, or her hippo with the broken foot? As a wondrous, dreamlike world with dancing moons and swinging elephant trunks emerges from the shadows, she longs to sing and reassure her toys, but she worries that dancing and singing at night is not allowed. When her fear grows too big, she finds comfort in the secret charm under her pillow and falls asleep. The surreal imagery of Nasla's Dream beautifully depicts the imaginary world of a young child learning how to become independent.