Emotional: How Feelings Shape Our Thinking | 誠品線上

Emotional: How Feelings Shape Our Thinking

作者 雷納.曼羅迪諾
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Emotional: How Feelings Shape Our Thinking:We’veallbeentoldthatthinkingrationallyisthekeytosuccess.Butatthecuttingedgeofscience,researchersarediscoveringthatf


內容簡介 一直以來,我們都認為理性思考是成功的關鍵。但如今科學家們卻顛覆此說,發現感覺與思考一樣重要! 人們每天要做出無數決定:從早餐吃什麼,到該何時下手投資。其中沒有一個決定是情感沒有參與的。 過去,「思考」與「感覺」一直被二分成對立的兩端。並強調理性思考、去除情緒之於成功和判斷之重要。但如今,最新的心理學和神經科學研究告訴我們,適度的讓情緒參與決策,其實至為重要! 該怎麼做,才能和他人順利溝通?我們的沮喪、恐懼和焦慮,從何而來?我們該如何,讓自己得到更幸福的生活? 這些答案都在於你是否妥善處理並理解自己的情緒。 本書作者幫我們釐清情緒所能提供的幫助:它們會帶來何益處?又可能會帶來什麼傷害?最後,我們如何平衡此兩種考量,並從過去經驗學到什麼! 從演化和生物學的角度,作者帶我們練習如何將情緒做最好的利用、並將此工具發揮到極致。本書以獨特深度和引人入勝的故事,闡述情感的新科學。讓我們重新檢視並珍惜「情緒」這個與生俱來的禮物! We’ve all been told that thinking rationally is the key to success. But at the cutting edge of science, researchers are discovering that feeling is every bit as important as thinking.You make hundreds of decisions every day, from what to eat for breakfast to how you should invest, and not one of those decisions would be possible without emotion. It has long been said that thinking and feeling are separate and opposing forces in our behavior. But as Leonard Mlodinow, the best-selling author of Subliminal, tells us, extraordinary advances in psychology and neuroscience have proven that emotions are as critical to our well-being as thinking.How can you connect better with others? How can you make sense of your frustration, fear, and anxiety? What can you do to live a happier life? The answers lie in understanding your emotions. Journeying from the labs of pioneering scientists to real-world scenarios that have flirted with disaster, Mlodinow shows us how our emotions can help, why they sometimes hurt, and what we can learn in both instances.Using deep insights into our evolution and biology, Mlodinow gives us the tools to understand our emotions better and to maximize their benefits. Told with his characteristic clarity and fascinating stories, Emotional explores the new science of feelings and offers us an essential guide to making the most of one of nature’s greatest gifts."


作者介紹 Leonard MlodinowLeonard Mlodinow received his PhD in theoretical physics from the University of California, Berkeley, was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Max Planck Institute, and was on the faculty of the California Institute of Technology. His previous books include the best sellers The Grand Design and A Briefer History of Time (both with Stephen Hawking), Subliminal (winner of the PEN E. O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award), and War of the Worldviews (with Deepak Chopra), as well as Elastic, Euclid’s Window, Feynman’s Rainbow, and The Upright Thinkers.


書名 / Emotional: How Feelings Shape Our Thinking
作者 / 雷納.曼羅迪諾
簡介 / Emotional: How Feelings Shape Our Thinking:We’veallbeentoldthatthinkingrationallyisthekeytosuccess.Butatthecuttingedgeofscience,researchersarediscoveringthatf
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780593316962
ISBN10 / 0593316967
EAN / 9780593316962
誠品26碼 / 2682118100001
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.3X15.5X1.7CM
級別 / N:無
