Invasion : The Inside Story of Russias Bloody War and Ukraines Fight for Survival | 誠品線上

Invasion : The Inside Story of Russias Bloody War and Ukraines Fight for Survival

作者 Luke Harding
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Invasion : The Inside Story of Russias Bloody War and Ukraines Fight for Survival:【直撃2022年烏俄戰爭現場的第一手報導】由紐時暢銷書TheSnowdenFiles作者、英國《


內容簡介 直撃2022年烏俄戰爭現場的第一手報導 《Invasion : The Inside Story of Russias Bloody War and Ukraines Fight for Survival》 《紐約時報》暢銷書《Collusion》和《Snowden Files Luke Harding’s personal》作者Luke Harding對俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭做出報導,這是2022年最大的新聞事件和國際政治轉折點。 英國《衛報》資深記者和《紐約時報》暢銷書作家Luke Harding在一篇報導中敘述俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭的第一年,這成為歐洲乃至世界的轉折點,2022年2月24日黎明前,普丁向鄰國宣戰時,作者Harding就身在基輔。作者詳實記錄了烏克蘭在戰爭的威脅之下,政府與人民為了最基本的生存與保衛家園,各種令人動容的瞬間,亦對烏克蘭與俄國斯的領導人做了深度的剖析,更進一部分析並大膽預測烏俄戰爭未來的走向。 俄羅斯帶來的破壞令人痛心,難民在地鐵站避難或逃往歐洲其他地區,手無寸鐵的烏克蘭人有些人因爲攜帶手機的簡略罪行而被立即槍殺。但是,這種毫無意義的暴力得到了驚人的恢復力——其中包括領導人澤連斯基——以及冒著一切風險來維護國家自由的人民。 本書是這場鬥爭雙方領導人的深刻肖像,對暴行寫下令人難以忘懷的描繪,也近距離紀錄平民生活如何受到戰爭衝擊,Harding用坦率、洞察力和堅定不移的文筆,關注人類歷史上這一個關鍵時刻。 New York Times bestselling author of Collusion and The Snowden Files Luke Harding’s personal, frontline reporting on Russia’s harrowing invasion of Ukraine, the biggest news event of 2022 and an inflection point in international politicsIn a damning, inspiring, and breathtaking narrative of what is likely to be a turning point for Europe—and the world—Guardian correspondent and New York Times bestselling author Luke Harding reports firsthand on the first year of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. When, just before dawn on February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin declared war on its neighbor, Harding was there, on the ground in Kyiv. The destruction brought by Russia was harrowing. Refugees sheltered in metro stations or fled to other parts of Europe. Among the unarmed Ukrainians who remained, some were summarily shot for the simple crime of carrying a cell phone. But this senseless violence was met with astounding resilience—from, among others, the country’s embattled leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy—and the courage of a people prepared to risk everything to preserve their nation’s freedom.Here are piercing portraits of the leaders on both sides of this monumental struggle, a fascinating look into the war’s possible future, a haunting depiction of the atrocities in Bucha and elsewhere, and an intimate glimpse into the ordinary lives being impacted by the biggest conflict in Europe since the Second World War. Harding captures this crucial moment in history with candor, insight, and an unwavering focus on the human stories that lie at its heart."


作者介紹 Luke HardingLuke Harding is a journalist, writer, and award-winning foreign correspondent with The Guardian. He is the author of seven previous nonfiction books: Shadow State, Collusion, A Very Expensive Poison, The Snowden Files, Mafia State, WikiLeaks, and The Liar (the last two co-written by David Leigh). Two have been made into Hollywood movies. His books have been translated into thirty languages. Harding lives near London with his wife, the freelance journalist Phoebe Taplin, and their two children.


書名 / Invasion : The Inside Story of Russias Bloody War and Ukraines Fight for Survival
作者 / Luke Harding
簡介 / Invasion : The Inside Story of Russias Bloody War and Ukraines Fight for Survival:【直撃2022年烏俄戰爭現場的第一手報導】由紐時暢銷書TheSnowdenFiles作者、英國《
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780593685174
ISBN10 / 0593685172
EAN / 9780593685174
誠品26碼 / 2682244932002
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.2X1.8CM
級別 / N:無
