內容簡介 曼布克獎短名單入圍作家Karen Joy Fowler 富勒睽違九年力作!2022布克獎初選入圍!林肯殺手與他的家人,南北戰爭喧囂聲未歇約翰.懷克.布思躋身史上最知名莎劇演員行列,並非由於其卓越的演技,而是因為他刺殺了林肯總統。美國小說家富勒睽違九年力作,聚焦這名刺客出身的戲劇家族,藉由多位家族成員的觀點,投影出因道德觀和政治歧異而分崩離析的布思家族,以及內戰前後民粹主義和狂熱主義肆虐的美國。布思家族和其所處時代,無疑也為美國眼前的混亂時局提供借鏡。From the Man Booker finalist and bestselling author of We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves comes an epic and intimate novel about the family behind one of the most infamous figures in American history: John Wilkes Booth.In 1822, a secret family moves into a secret cabin some thirty miles northeast of Baltimore, to farm, to hide, and to bear ten children over the course of the next sixteen years. Junius Booth—breadwinner, celebrated Shakespearean actor, and master of the house in more ways than one—is at once a mesmerizing talent and a man of terrifying instability. One by one the children arrive, as year by year, the country draws frighteningly closer to the boiling point of secession and civil war. As the tenor of the world shifts, the Booths emerge from their hidden lives to cement their place as one of the country’s leading theatrical families. But behind the curtains of the many stages they have graced, multiple scandals, family triumphs, and criminal disasters begin to take their toll, and the solemn siblings of John Wilkes Booth are left to reckon with the truth behind the destructively specious promise of an early prophecy. Booth is a startling portrait of a country in the throes of change and a vivid exploration of the ties that make, and break, a family."
作者介紹 Karen Joy FowlerKaren Joy Fowler, a PEN Faulkner and California Book Award winner, is the author of six novels (two of them New York Times bestsellers) and four short story collections. She has been a Dublin IMPAC nominee, and was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize in 2014. She lives in Santa Cruz, California.