內容簡介 經典科幻電影《沙丘》(沙丘魔堡)全球熱銷原著小說!◎1965年星雲獎最佳長篇小說(擊敗菲利普.迪克,銀翼殺手、關鍵報告作者)◎1966年雨果獎最佳長篇小說(擊敗海萊因,夏之門、銀河公民作者)◎網路票選百大科幻小說第一名◎三度獲得軌跡雜誌票選獎史上最佳科幻小說第一名◎美國科奇幻作家協會名人堂大師經典作品◎多次改編成影視作品與電腦遊戲◎英法德三國亞馬遜網路書店五星推薦媲美魔戒的壯闊史詩,超越星際大戰的飛馳想像你看過大衛林區的電影,你玩過即時戰略遊戲,你不可不了解真正的《沙丘魔堡》世界!香料,全宇宙最珍貴的物品。壟斷星際航路的宇航公會倚賴香料來導航船艦,操縱帝國的秘密組織倚賴香料來喚醒心靈能力,巨室貴族倚賴香料滿足癮頭。香料的唯一產地是個巨大沙蟲出沒,生態環境極其惡劣的行星阿拉吉斯,更為人知曉的名稱是,沙丘。為了爭奪香料,無所不用其極。亞崔迪公爵的嗣子保羅被捲入這場明爭暗鬥之中,他是否就是千年策畫下誕生的救世主?揉合了宮廷鬥爭、商業陰謀、宗教預言、動作戰爭以及生態學的科幻經典,一本讓你目不轉睛的史詩巨著!本書介出自貓頭鷹出版《沙丘魔堡》'An astonishing science fiction phenomenon' WASHINGTON POST'I know nothing comparable to it except The Lord of the Rings' Arthur C Clarke'It is possible that Dune is even more relevant now than when it was first published' NEW YORKERThe Duke of Atreides has been manoeuvred by his arch-enemy, Baron Harkonnen, into administering the desert planet of Dune. Although it is almost completely without water, Dune is a planet of fabulous wealth, for it is the only source of a drug prized throughout the Galactic Empire. The Duke and his son, Paul, are expecting treachery, and it duly comes - but from a shockingly unexpected place.Then Paul succeeds his father, and he becomes a catalyst for the native people of Dune, whose knowledge of the ecology of the planet gives them vast power. They have been waiting for a leader like Paul Atreides, a leader who can harness that force ...DUNE: one of the most brilliant science fiction novels ever written, as engrossing and heart-rending today as it was when it was first published half a century ago.Joint winner of the HUGO AWARD for best novel, 1966Winner of the NEBULA AWARD for best novel, 1965Read the book which inspired the 2021 Denis Villeneuve epic film adaptation, Dune, starring Oscar Isaac, Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya and Josh Brolin."
作者介紹 Frank HerbertFrank Herbert (1920-86) was born in Tacoma, Washington and worked as a reporter and later editor of a number of West Coast newspapers before becoming a full-time writer. His first SF story was published in 1952 but he achieved fame more than ten years later with the publication in Analog of ’Dune World’ and ’The Prophet of Dune’ that were amalgamated in the novel Dune in 1965.