See Inside Why Plastic is a Problem | 誠品線上

See Inside Why Plastic is a Problem

作者 Matthew Oldham/ Lizzie Cope
商品描述 See Inside Why Plastic is a Problem:《為什麼塑膠是大問題》科普知識翻翻書為你的大腦充電,並幫助你成為環保小尖兵這是一本幫助小孩了解重要問題的科普知識翻翻書。塑


內容簡介 Everyone knows that plastic has become a problem for our planet, but do you know why? And do you know how YOU can help be a part of the solution to the problem? This vividly illustrated book is packed with flaps that explain how plastic is made, what's bad (and sometimes good) about different types of plastic, and the many ways it can causes harm to our rivers, oceans and wildlife. And there are lots of ideas for cutting down on your own reliance on plastic, too. The book was created with expert input from Plastic Oceans UK, a leading campaign and education group all about the problem of plastic.


作者介紹 Matthew OldhamMatthew writes books for Usborne about all sorts of subjects, including history, science and Planet Earth. Before he did this, he studied English at university and worked for the BBC where he made funny radio programmes. He lives in London and spends his weekends visiting its many museums and exploring different parts of the city.Lizzie CopeLizzie grew up in Wiltshire, not far from Stonehenge - she has this to thank for her love of nature, legends and World Heritage sites. Now she lives in London, where she's written books about giraffes, oceans and plastic, and thought up lots of ideas for puzzles and activities, too.


書名 / See Inside Why Plastic is a Problem
作者 / Matthew Oldham Lizzie Cope
簡介 / See Inside Why Plastic is a Problem:《為什麼塑膠是大問題》科普知識翻翻書為你的大腦充電,並幫助你成為環保小尖兵這是一本幫助小孩了解重要問題的科普知識翻翻書。塑
ISBN13 / 9781474986144
ISBN10 / 1474986145
EAN / 9781474986144
誠品26碼 / 2682353358007
頁數 / 16
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 27.6X22.3X1.6CM
級別 / N:無
材質 /
適用年齡 / 6歲以上
