內容簡介 為什麼晚上夜會變黑?太陽去哪裡了?夜晚有什麼秘密?為什麼有白天和黑夜?冬天為什麼很快就變黑了?為什麼有夏天和冬天?為什麼不會一直都是夏天?為什麼夜晚令人想睡?影子是什麼?夜晚很這麼恐怖嗎?怪物躲在影子裡嗎?夜行動物如何在黑漆漆的夜裡找到路的?本書介紹從太陽落下,到夜空與宇宙的一切等,好多好多的為什麼,引人入勝的插圖與小翻頁設計,吸引讀者動動腦,想一想。From sunset to sunrise, discover the secrets of night time - why it happens, where the Sun goes... and what the night sky can tell us about the universe. Playful flaps, delightful illustrations and friendly text explain the science behind the cycle of day and night, summer and winter. Find out why it's not always dark at bedtime, how night animals find their way and why the dark doesn't have to be scary."
作者介紹 Katie has been writing non-fiction children's books for almost half her life and loves questioning the world from a child's point of view. She's developed some of Usborne's bestselling series, including the See Inside books and Lift-the-flap Questions & Answers. When she's not writing, she likes drinking coffee, walking on the moors and playing competitive board games with her children.