內容簡介 身處前所未有的焦慮時代,該如何擁抱當下...顛覆所有深信不疑的事物指引生命真理的完美指南當上帝、信仰、未來無可依靠時「不安」是必然但它更是智慧真理1951年出版至今暢銷不斷,歷久彌新的經典鉅作以西方思維邏輯呼應東方古老智慧的犀利洞見與創新論述長踞美國亞馬遜網路書店現代哲學類第一名、讀者佳評4.5顆星每本書都是一個旅程,但這本書的目標是漫無邊際地遊走各方,從幾乎無人願意駐足的焦慮狀態開始。它找出一般人共同信念的漏洞,也不在乎神聖的事物,甚至加以嘲諷。艾倫‧沃茲彷彿不怕這樣做已經很沒吸引力,居然還提出一個悖論--宣稱「不安全感」不僅可治心病,還是一扇通往隱形現實世界的大門。只有在那裡,才能找到治癒恐懼和焦慮的方法。本中文書介出自《不安的智慧: 憂慮年代裡身心解放的秘密》橡樹林文化出版'A revelatory classic' Maria Popova'A spiritual polymath, the first and possibly greatest' Deepak ChopraWhat we have forgotten is that thoughts and words are conventions, and that it is fatal to take conventions too seriouslyToo often we fall into the trap of anticipating the future while lamenting the past and in the midst of this negative loop we forget how to live in the now. In this iconic and prescient text, pioneering Zen scholar Alan Watts shows us how, in an age of unprecedented anxiety, we must embrace the present in order to live a fulfilling life."
作者介紹 Alan Watts was a British philosopher, writer and speaker who was best known for his expertise in Eastern philosophies including Zen Buddhism and Taoism. He wrote over 25 books and numerous articles on subjects such as personal identity, the true nature of reality, higher consciousness, the meaning of life, concepts and images of God and the non-material pursuit of happiness.