The World of David Walliams: Fun-Tastic Families Box Set (3冊合售) | 誠品線上

Fun-tastic Families Box Set (The World of David Walliams)

作者 大衛.威廉
商品描述 The World of David Walliams: Fun-Tastic Families Box Set (3冊合售):THREEhilariousandmovingfamilynovelsfromnumberonebestsellingauthor,DavidWalliams.BADDAD:Dadsa


內容簡介 大衛.威廉幽默成長小說︱爺爺大逃亡傑克的爺爺很久以前是英國皇家空軍飛官,二次大戰期間負責駕駛沒有降落傘的噴火式戰鬥機。不知從哪天開始,爺爺開始忘東忘西:泡茶會忘記喝,結果桌上排滿很多杯冷茶;放洗澡水忘記關水龍頭,導致水災……甚至忘了自己是退休飛官,述說二戰時的冒險故事,卻是變得越來越真實。而傑克跟一般小朋友一樣喜歡飛行故事,對他來說爺爺就是熱愛飛行冒險,只要跟他入戲一塊兒演下去就對了。沒想到爺爺翻天覆地鬧出一場二戰時代的囚禁戲碼,最後演變成需要傑克的協助,成就一場驚險又刺激的暮光之塔大逃亡?︱壞爸爸法蘭克的爸爸是一名碰碰車賽車手,還是賽車場上的天王,他獲獎的次數無人能敵。因為爸爸是本土英雄,每個人都想認識他。不過,說起爸爸最鐵桿的粉絲,那就非法蘭克莫屬。男孩很崇拜父親,在他的心目中,爸爸就是個英雄。有天晚上,意外發生了。爸爸的愛車「女王號」失控發生意外,爸爸也因為重傷必須截肢。賽車手生涯被迫結束,法蘭克與爸爸的生活也從此180度大轉變。失業的爸爸失去收入,家裡愈來愈貧窮,即使如此,只要能和最喜歡的爸爸在一起,法蘭克就很滿足了。某天,爸爸說他找到了工作,而且會賺很多很多錢回來。好奇的法蘭克偷偷溜出門跟蹤爸爸,卻發現爸爸跟一群凶神惡煞攪和在一起,而且他們還逼爸爸在鎮上開起飆速飛車!爸爸到底怎麼了?這群壞蛋又是誰?那個人還是法蘭克心目中的英雄嗎?︱壞心姑媽一覺醒來成了孤兒,僅剩的親人卻不懷好意?!年輕女爵和壞心姑媽鬥智鬥勇,稀奇古怪的招式百出,偌大的爵士宅邸裡正上演一場遺產保衛戰!史黛拉的悲慘命運就從失去父母的那一刻開始,薩克斯比大宅是父母留給她的家產。還來不及撫平傷痛,唯一的親人阿伯塔姑媽卻開始覬覦她的家產,一樁又一樁離奇的事件接連發生。離奇的死亡車禍、煙囪裡神祕的善心鬼魂、行為鬼祟的古怪警探,一切透露出不尋常的味道……史黛拉能查明真相並且保住爸媽僅留下的大宅嗎?本中文書介出自《大衛.威廉幽默成長小說 5: 爺爺大逃亡 大衛.威廉幽默成長小說 6: 壞爸爸 大衛.威廉幽默成長小說 8: 壞心姑媽》晨星出版有限公司出版THREE hilarious and moving family novels from number one bestselling author, David Walliams.BAD DAD:Dads are fat and thin, tall and short. There are young dads and old dads, clever ones and stupid ones. There are silly ones and serious ones, loud ones and quiet ones. Of course, there are good dads, and bad dads . . .AWFUL AUNTIE:Stella Saxby is the sole heir to Saxby Hall. But awful Aunt Alberta and her giant owl will stop at nothing to get it from her. Luckily, Stella has a secret – and slightly spooky – weapon up her sleeve . . .GRANDPA’S GREAT ESCAPE:Many years ago Grandpa was a World War II flying ace. But when he is sent to old-folk’s home Twilight Towers – run by sinister Matron Swine – it’s up to Grandpa and his grandson, Jack, to plot a daring escape. Little do they know the wicked matron is on to them . . ."


作者介紹 David WalliamsDavid Walliams has revolutionised reading for children and become one of the most influential children's writers today. Since the publication of his ground-breaking first novel, The Boy in the Dress (2008), Walliams has seen unprecedented growth with global sales exceeding 40 million copies, and his books translated into 55 languages.Tony RossBorn in London, Tony Ross went to art school in Liverpool. His cartoons have appeared in famous publications the world over. His first book, Hugo and the Wicked Winter, was published in 1972. Tony has since written over 100 books and illustrated over 2000! David and Tony have worked on seven bestselling picture books together, the World's Worst series of story collections and 16 phenomenally successful novels.


書名 / The World of David Walliams: Fun-Tastic Families Box Set (3冊合售)
作者 / 大衛.威廉
簡介 / The World of David Walliams: Fun-Tastic Families Box Set (3冊合售):THREEhilariousandmovingfamilynovelsfromnumberonebestsellingauthor,DavidWalliams.BADDAD:Dadsa
ISBN13 / 9780008525231
ISBN10 / 0008525234
EAN / 9780008525231
誠品26碼 / 2682139806005
頁數 / 1328
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X10.2CM
級別 / N:無
