The Art of Chinese Living: An Inheritance of Tradition (4冊合售) | 誠品線上

傳家 (4冊合售)

作者 姚任祥
商品描述 The Art of Chinese Living: An Inheritance of Tradition (4冊合售):【姚任祥老師《傳家》全球唯一國際英文版】遇見生活中的美好!ChroniclingthetraditionsofChineselif


內容簡介 ---《傳家》專頁 ---【誠品線上獨家首賣】姚任祥老師《傳家》全球唯一國際英文版 遇見生活中的美好~《傳家》.代代相傳的生活智慧 《傳家》是為這一個世代所寫的文化寶典,珍藏著代代相傳的生活智慧。《傳家》是生活的幸福寶典,是中華文化的智慧百科,正如林懷民推薦:「父母與教師應該人手一本。」名建築師姚仁喜的太太姚任祥完成了一套27萬字的鉅作《傳家》,這是一套以文字、影像與生活結合的嶄新創作,分別以春、夏、秋、冬四季呈現出來的生活智慧。她想發揚「人人皆可傳家」的精神,經營自己的家;她想分享好好過日子的生活秘笈,讓我們的生活有滋有味,還能代代相傳。姚任祥,她是京劇名伶顧正秋的女兒,是名建築師姚仁喜的太太,是三個孩子的母親,更是位集才思、才情、才藝於一身的奇女子。為了讓遠赴美國念書的子女不忘記自己優美的文化,遂發願以創新的手法,懷著文化研究及保存的精神,巨細靡遺彙整中華文化資產,從淵遠流長的傳統,演變到現代社會的個人實踐,她編寫、出版圖文並茂的《傳家~中國人的生活智慧》套書,叮囑孩子們「不可忘本」,務必讓中華文化一代代傳承下去。此巨著費時七年,分成《春》、《夏》、《秋》、《冬》四冊,其內容涵蓋各個季節的食衣住行、詩詞歌賦、書法繪畫…等,允為現代中國的生活百科全書。書本以「氣氛生活」、「歲時節慶」、「以食為天」、「匠心手藝」、「齊家心語」、「生活札記」六大單元分類,不僅鋪陳中國人的生活經驗與生活哲學,也具體呈現「家」在人類生活中的深刻奧義。氣氛生活 搭配四季的風景和小食,傳達當季不同的光影。歲時節慶 每季代表性的節日,和自古流傳的慶典禮儀。並以淺顯易懂的方式說明農民曆和二十四節氣的智慧。以食為天 講到米麵主食、零食的豐富變化,又細數家傳食譜、民間食補到中醫藥膳,展現豐富多元的飲食文化。匠心手藝 花藝、首飾、從藍染花布到戲劇服飾,還有禮贈的包裝,作者一一細心整理,巧手設計,展現精緻的工藝風華。齊家心語 一篇篇任祥寫給子女、公婆、父母、丈夫的家書,以及悉心為孩子整理的歷史、書畫、待人接物的禮儀格言等,提倡「家庭」的價值。生活札記 料理生活的技巧與常識,談菜園、廚房、也談四季養生、家庭管理、家人溝通…等。本中文書介出自《傳家 (4冊合售)》財團法人信誼基金會信誼出版社出版Chronicling the traditions of Chinese life and culture, The Art of Chinese Living is a visual cornucopia and an epic cultural immersion into everything from cuisine and history to art and rituals, calligraphy and music to artefacts and interiors, and from widespread national traditions to the minutiae of daily family life.Spanning over 1,100 stunning pages and divided into the four seasons, this lavish four-volume set in a cloth-bound slipcase is alive with culture. The passion and research that have gone into producing this masterpiece are palpable on every page, from the 10,000 commissioned photographs and illustrations to the incredible gatefold pages and painstaking detail. It is a love letter to Chinese culture written by a mother keen to share her passion for incredible traditions both big and small with her own children, and those of families around the world – whether looking to rekindle a connection with their own traditions or eager to learn more about China, its history and culture.From recipes and home-made gift ideas to an epic timeline of Chinese dynasties and cultural artefacts, The Art of Chinese Living is a joy to behold and a treasure to share.In the words of the author, ‘This volume of books is a gift to all the Chinese people, as well as all who have a love for Chinese culture. My objective was to enable everyone to access Chinese culture in their everyday lives, rather than something that could only be appreciated in museums or history books.’The author, Xiang Yang, grew up in Taiwan and is the mother of three children. She is also the senior partner of KRIS YAO | ARTECH, where she manages the administration and public relations for the firm. She started these books during the years when her three children left home to go to university in the United States; it was intented as a loving reminder to them not to forget their inherited culture. It took her five years to complete all 270,000 words, and to amass its large collection of exquisite visuals. It is now beloved by many readers all over the world. As she explains, ‘This volume of books is a gift to all Chinese people, as well as all those who have a love for Chinese culture. My objective was to enable people to access Chinese culture in their everyday lives, rather than view it as something that can only be appreciated in museums or history books.’The books use a clear, encyclopedic arrangement to depict a map of cultural life, while also promoting family values and environmental wellness. The text is an exploration of a way of life and its relationship to inherited culture.The Art of Chinese Living received much attention after its first publication in Chinese, not only because it was a fundraising project to establish a new university in Taiwan, but also for its rich content, which embraces so many of the important aspects of Chinese culture.The passion and research that have gone into producing this masterpiece are palpable on every page, from the 10,000 commissioned photographs and illustrations to the incredible gatefold pages and painstaking detail. It is a love letter to Chinese culture written by a mother keen to share her passion for incredible traditions both big and small with her own children, and those of families around the world – whether looking to rekindle a connection with their own traditions or eager to learn more about China, its history and culture. From recipes and home-made gift ideas to an epic timeline of Chinese dynasties and cultural artefacts, The Art of Chinese Living is a joy to behold and a treasure to share."


書名 / The Art of Chinese Living: An Inheritance of Tradition (4冊合售)
作者 / 姚任祥
簡介 / The Art of Chinese Living: An Inheritance of Tradition (4冊合售):【姚任祥老師《傳家》全球唯一國際英文版】遇見生活中的美好!ChroniclingthetraditionsofChineselif
ISBN13 / 9780008400002
ISBN10 / 0008400008
EAN / 9780008400002
誠品26碼 / 2682050901001
頁數 / 1104
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 29X22.6X0CM
級別 / N:無
