Rachel Bright 6 copy Shrinkwrap (6冊合售) | 誠品線上

Rachel Bright 6 copy Shrinkwrap (6冊合售)

作者 瑞秋.布萊特
商品描述 Rachel Bright 6 copy Shrinkwrap (6冊合售):,暢銷書《ALionInside》作者RachelBright情緒繪本套書2023年全新收錄《TheGeckoandtheEcho》全新組合新上市👉更多超值外文童


內容簡介 暢銷書《A Lion Inside》作者Rachel Bright情緒繪本套書2023年全新收錄 《The Gecko and the Echo》全新組合新上市👉更多超值外文童書《The Gecko and the Echo》A flamboyantly fun tropical tale of love, fame, friendship from the writer of the international bestseller The Lion Inside.Goldy wants one thing, and one thing only—to be a STAR. On the sunny island this gecko calls home, it's always THE GOLDY SHOW, morning 'til night.But when you're dazzled by the limelight, it's easy to lose sight of the world around you. And when Goldy's performance starts to go wrong, the little gecko discovers that friendship means so much more than fame. Because when you treat the world with love, then love will come echoing back.This funny and touching rhyming story is perfect for sharing, reminding us all that treating others with kindness makes the whole world a better and happier place.《The Whale Who Wanted More》鯨魚Humphrey有一個任務:找出一件讓他覺得圓滿的物品。他在海裡四處遊蕩,收集無盡的海底寶藏。但,無論收集了多少好東西,Humphrey仍然不滿意。難道這東西是友誼,而不是有形的財產嗎?是什麼,能讓Humphrey真正開心地唱起歌呢?《The Squirrels Who Squabbled》貪心的松鼠和Cyril and Bruce同時相中一件非常特別的獎品:本賽季最後的堅果!沒想到堅果卻在森林中瘋狂彈跳,兩隻松鼠趕緊追著牠跑。他們穿越樹木、巨石,沿著河流。啊! 堅果就在瀑布的邊緣!怎麼辦?合作才是唯一的出路啊......《The Koala Who Could》一個關於改變的故事。破曉時分,微風輕柔,陽光和煦,動物們無憂無慮,盡情奔跑…卻有 一隻名叫 Kevin的無尾熊,那兒都不去,只想緊緊抱住樹…《The Lion Inside》在一個塵土飛揚、沙子閃耀著金色的光芒的地方,矗立著一塊古老的大石頭。在這岩石下,有一間小房子,住著最小、最安靜、最溫順的棕色老鼠。但老鼠受夠了自己老是被其他動物忽視,希望能像獅子一樣咆哮。但是,他發現即使是最大、最蠻橫的人有時也有害怕的時候,最小的生物也可以擁有獅子般強大的心臟!《The Way Home For Wolf》再堅強的你,有時也能放心接受朋友的幫助。一隻獨來獨往的堅強小狼,總是能夠好好這顧自己,但是,當他發現自己在北極夜的寒冷中迷失和孤獨時,小狼發現有時我們都需要朋友的幫助。The Whale Who Wanted MoreHumphrey the whale is on a quest: to find the one perfect object that will make him feel complete. He roams far and wide, gathering endless undersea treasure as he goes. Yet, no matter how many goodies he accumulates, Humphrey still doesn't feel content. Could it be friendship, not possessions, that will really make Humphrey's heart sing?A sparkling rhyming tale that encourages sharing and kindness, this heartwarming story of friendship is perfect for reading aloud.The Squirrels Who SquabbledGreedy squirrels Cyril and Bruce both have their sights on a very special prize: THE VERY LAST NUT OF THE SEASON! As the nut bounces crazily though the forest, the squirrels race after it, between the trees, over boulders, down the river and - ARGH! - right to the edge of a waterfall! Working together might be the only way to save themselves now ...The Koala Who CouldA funny rhyming story about dealing with change and overcoming worries, from the bestselling creators of The Lion Inside.In a wonderful place, at the breaking of dawn, where the breezes were soft and the sunshine was warm, a place where the creatures ran wild and played free ... A Koala called Kevin clung to a tree.The Lion InsideIn a dry dusty place where the sand sparkled gold, stood a mighty flat rock, all craggy and old. And under that rock in a tinyful house, lived the littlest, quietest, meekest brown mouse. Fed up of being ignored by the other animals, Mouse wishes he could roar like Lion. But, as he discovers, even the biggest, bossiest people are scared sometimes ... and even the smallest creatures can have the heart of a lion!The Way Home for WolfA touching story of an independent-minded wolf cub who finds his way home.Wolf cub Wilf doesn't want help from anyone. Whatever it is, he can do it all by himself. But when he finds himself lost and alone in the chill of the Arctic night, Wilf discovers that sometimes we all need the helping hand of a friend.


書名 / Rachel Bright 6 copy Shrinkwrap (6冊合售)
作者 / 瑞秋.布萊特
簡介 / Rachel Bright 6 copy Shrinkwrap (6冊合售):,暢銷書《ALionInside》作者RachelBright情緒繪本套書2023年全新收錄《TheGeckoandtheEcho》全新組合新上市👉更多超值外文童
ISBN13 / 9781408372135
ISBN10 / 1408372134
EAN / 9781408372135
誠品26碼 / 2682364032002
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X27X0CM
級別 / N:無