內容簡介 NETFLIX熱門校園影集《戀愛修課》「查理哥哥,你跟尼克剛剛在親親嗎?」親吻與喜悅,誤會解開後是雨過天晴的甜蜜蜜!★ 全球翻譯超過24種語言★ 英國暢銷LGBT校園愛情漫畫★ Amazon UK LGBT青少年漫畫位居人氣榜首★ 超人氣!改編成 Netflix 原創影集→ 一百種親親的方式——主角間滿滿的甜蜜互動躍然紙上!不管是在房間獨處、學校互動、出去玩還是傳訊息,第二集的尼克與查理透露著滿滿彼此的愛意!究竟兩個人的關係會在第二集如何升溫?→ 「第二集畫下尼克出櫃的心路歷程,作者想寫出一段,自己也希望在青少年時期可以讀到的故事。」作者艾莉絲用活潑乾淨的筆觸,長達多年連載,畫下了尼克和查理從認識、自我害怕、到勇敢邁出腳步去愛的青春故事!第二集中,互相表白心意的尼克與查理,除了戀愛的曖昧與酸甜,尼克也面臨了出櫃與否的兩難。【故事介紹】查理是在學校公開出櫃的男同志,尼克則是橄欖球校隊的陽光學長。兩人都就讀褚罕中學卻從未見過面,直到新學期的分班讓彼此成為鄰座同學。彼此的感情迅速升溫,卻在一次舞會的曖昧後產生了誤會?!自責失落和難過,落荒而逃的尼克如何面對查理與自己的情感?《HeartStopper戀愛修課》第二集,愛總是以驚喜的方式在校園裡逐漸萌芽!本中文書介出自《HeartStopper戀愛修課 2》一木工作室出版*Soon to be a live-action Netflix series!* Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. An LGBTQ+ graphic novel about life, love, and everything that happens in between: this is the second volume of HEARTSTOPPER, for fans of The Art of Being Normal, Holly Bourne and Love, Simon.Nick and Charlie are best friends. Nick knows Charlie's gay, and Charlie is sure that Nick isn't.But love works in surprising ways, and Nick is discovering all kinds of things about his friends, his family ... and himself.Heartstopper is about friendship, loyalty and mental illness. It encompasses all the small stories of Nick and Charlie's lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us.This is the second volume of Heartstopper, with more to come."
作者介紹 Alice OsemanAlice Oseman was born in 1994 in Kent. She secured her first publishing deal at 17 and has gone on to write three YA novels. She is now a full-time writer and illustrator. She can usually be found staring aimlessly at computer screens, questioning the meaninglessness of existence, or doing anything she can to avoid getting an office job.