What the F*ck is The Dark Web? | 誠品線上

What the F*ck is The Dark Web?

作者 Kit Eaton
商品描述 What the F*ck is The Dark Web?:Whatthef*ckistheDarkWeb,andhowdoesitevenwork?Whetherit'sfromdodgyacronym-titledcrimeshowstonewsstoriesdesignedtoterrifyyoudownto


內容簡介 What the f*ck is the Dark Web, and how does it even work?Whether it's from dodgy acronym-titled crime shows to news stories designed to terrify you down to your socks we've all heard about sites like Silk Road and the ways criminals use cryptocurrency online. But did you know that among the various shady corners of the dark web you can also find portals to the BBC and Facebook?The thing is even the way the everyday internet works is a mystery to us and its darkest corners are, of course, more deeply shrouded. So, let's go on a journey from the birth of the Net through the strangest dark services - need a hitman to bump off your superfluous...er...beloved spouse? - to the surprisingly positive uses of dark technology, including dodging the watchful eye of oppressive censors.Over half of us can't remember a time before the internet - and for the rest it's increasingly difficult to imagine life without the damn thing! It's about time we understood more about it and we can start with the question: What The Fuck is The Dark Web?"


作者介紹 Kit was once told by a teacher that he would become a writer so, contrarily, he went off and qualified as a scientist, then worked in three or four completely different careers until he'd developed a serious enough coffee drinking habit and owned enough cats to finally pick up a pen. Now, with a brain full of eclectic ideas, he loves writing about technology, science, oh... all sorts of different things. Except author bios. He's never got the hang of writing those. One day he plans on going to Mars.


書名 / What the F*ck is The Dark Web?
作者 / Kit Eaton
簡介 / What the F*ck is The Dark Web?:Whatthef*ckistheDarkWeb,andhowdoesitevenwork?Whetherit'sfromdodgyacronym-titledcrimeshowstonewsstoriesdesignedtoterrifyyoudownto
ISBN13 / 9781529350791
ISBN10 / 1529350794
EAN / 9781529350791
誠品26碼 / 2682005047006
頁數 / 176
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.2X13.2X1.8CM
級別 / N:無
