The Inheritance Games: The Hawthorne Legacy | 誠品線上

繼承遊戲 2: 繼承之戰

作者 珍妮佛.琳恩.巴尼斯
商品描述 The Inheritance Games: The Hawthorne Legacy:珍妮佛.琳恩.巴尼斯《繼承遊戲2:繼承之戰》Intrigue,riches,andromanceaboundinthisthrillingsequeltotheNewYorkTimesbes


內容簡介 「我對他而言只是謎題的一環,一個可用的工具,而且至今仍是謎團的一部分。」家族祕密、陰謀、財富、權勢、愛情……她的繼承遊戲,正式開始!【國外暢銷佳績 得獎紀錄】♕全美熱賣突破1,000,000本♕蟬聯紐約時報暢榜前十名40週!♕亞馬遜年度百大好書、《柯克斯書評》年度最佳青少年小說♕一出版Amazon即刻搶下影視版權【國際推薦】「愛不釋手!」──《Buzzfeed》「巴尼斯這部用心創作的小說就像青少年版的《峰迴路轉》,非常適合任何追求懸疑、浪漫與故事魅力的讀者。」──《SLJ》「這個如同電影《鋒迴路轉》的強大開局,提供讀者充分的閱讀享受。」──《出版人週刊》星級評論「既然妳想玩,何不讓這場遊戲變得有趣一點?」如今,億萬富翁的繼承人艾芙瑞解開了一些謎題,卻也挖出更多的疑問。遊戲尚未結束,她必須繼續找到可能知道所有問題的答案的人──包括為什麼擁有私廚的德州富豪托比亞•霍桑,會跑去康乃狄克州一個名不見經傳的小鎮上的破爛餐廳吃飯?為什麼他要將自己的全部財產,留給她這個只在餐廳有一面之緣的陌生人,而不是留給女兒或外孫?多虧了DNA檢測,艾芙瑞知道自己跟霍桑家沒有血緣關係,但種種線索又暗示她與這個家族的關係,比想像得更深。隨著越來越多的謎團出現,以及越來越失控的情勢,格雷森和詹姆森──霍桑的兩個少年,卻將艾莉推向截然不同的方向。在這座莊園裡,威脅在每一個暗處伺機而動,有人不惜一切代價、一切手段,只求將艾芙瑞逐出遊戲──本中文書介出自《繼承遊戲 2: 繼承之戰》三采文化股份有限公司出版Intrigue, riches, and romance abound in this thrilling sequel to the New York Times bestselling The Inheritance GamesIntrigue, riches, and romance abound in this thrilling sequel to the New York Times bestselling The Inheritance Games, perfect for fans of Karen McManus and Holly Jackson.The Inheritance Games ended with a bombshell, and now heiress Avery Grambs has to pick up the pieces and find the man who might hold the answers to all of her questions - including why Tobias Hawthorne left his entire fortune to Avery, a virtual stranger, rather than to his own daughters or grandsons.As the mystery grows and the plot thickens, Grayson and Jameson, the enigmatic and magnetic Hawthorne grandsons, continue to pull Avery in different directions. And there are threats lurking around every corner, as adversaries emerge who will stop at nothing to see Avery out of the picture - by any means necessary.With nonstop action, aspirational jet-setting, family intrigue, swoonworthy romance, and billions of dollars hanging in the balance, The Hawthorne Legacy will thrill Jennifer Lynn Barnes fans and new readers alike.


作者介紹 Jennifer Lynn BarnesJennifer Lynn Barnes has written more than a dozen acclaimed young adult novels. Jen is also a Fulbright Scholar with advanced degrees in psychology, psychiatry, and cognitive science. She received her Ph.D. from Yale University in 2012 and is currently a professor of psychology and professional writing at the University of Oklahoma. You can find her online at or follow her on Twitter @jenlynnbarnes.


書名 / The Inheritance Games: The Hawthorne Legacy
作者 / 珍妮佛.琳恩.巴尼斯
簡介 / The Inheritance Games: The Hawthorne Legacy:珍妮佛.琳恩.巴尼斯《繼承遊戲2:繼承之戰》Intrigue,riches,andromanceaboundinthisthrillingsequeltotheNewYorkTimesbes
ISBN13 / 9780241480724
ISBN10 / 0241480728
EAN / 9780241480724
誠品26碼 / 2682280866002
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X2.2CM
級別 / N:無
適用年齡 / 13歲以上
