Anthro-Vision: How Anthropology Can Explain Business and Life | 誠品線上

穀倉效應 2: 未來思考

作者 吉蓮.邰蒂
商品描述 Anthro-Vision: How Anthropology Can Explain Business and Life:吉蓮.邰蒂《穀倉效應2:未來思考》Meetthebusinessanthropologistsseekingtoexplainhowwebuy,sell,worka


內容簡介 ◤企業搶購、狂賣 16 刷《穀倉效應》作者最新續作◢Google、微軟、雀巢、Facebook、亞馬遜的全新策略 ────從人類學視角帶出未來思考!無論企業、執政者或個人,大多仰賴科技、大數據及過往經驗來制定策略,然而,在這個高易變性(Volatility)、不確定性(Uncertainty)、複雜性(Complexity)、模糊性(Ambiguity)的 VUCA 時代,大數據只能統計出表層問題,無法真正顯現目標群體的訴求和文化,幫助領導者看見更深層的肇因。而個人專業知識反成穀倉,形成狹隘的隧道視野,最終導致誤判風險、錯失先機。破除框架、掌握文化,才能直擊 VUCA 時代最難掌握的───人心!✖ 未能掌握人心的例子▌嘉寶嬰兒食品公司:不熟悉各地產品成分標示習慣,在西非鬧出「美國人愛吃嬰兒肉」的恐怖笑話。▌西方執政者:輕視非洲各地對抗伊波拉的慘痛經驗,錯失 COVID-19 防疫先機。▌金融人士:用專業術語打造銀行業穀倉,缺乏外部觀點,引發 2008 年全球金融海嘯。▌歐寶汽車:為求振興尋求品牌合作,卻因三方對「會議」的認知不同而破局。✔ 因掌握人心而獲益的例子▌食品:雀巢 KitKat 巧克力從商品的日文諧音切入,賦予「必勝」含意,讓巧克力成為應考幸運符,成功與消費者文化同步,轉型為日本青少年最愛的零食。▌科技:英特爾掌握東方家長的控制文化,打造出無隱私、資訊透明的學習裝置,拓展市場規模,在第三世界大受歡迎。▌製造:通用汽車推動跨階層賦權文化,彌補管理者由上而下的視野斷層,消除勞工人人自保的怪罪習性,提高生產力,降低消費者投訴率。▌教育:報春花教育集團深入家庭進行田野調查,了解當代父母的同儕文化,以儀式及參與感取代權威教育,大幅提升註冊率。《穀倉效應》告訴我們,如何避免讓分工成為阻礙;本書則進一步揭示破除現代穀倉的工具,消除團隊與個人盲點,擴展人生、事業新格局。▶ 化陌生為熟悉:接納陌生感、突破文化差異,掌握目標族群的習性與意義網。▶ 化熟悉為陌生:跳脫慣性隧道視野,採橫向視角更客觀地檢視自身,覺察風險與機會。▶ 傾聽社會沉默:VUCA 時代裡許多隱而不顯得問題,都能從文化角度切入,得出解方。【本書特色】1. 從企業、政治到個人,「穀倉效應」理論在本書臻至完整!2. 透過各界人士的案例,具體呈現橫向視角與遠近交替思維的應用模式。3. AI、大數據當道的此刻,如何破除文化隔閡、直搗人心,已是未來最重要的課題。 本書將幫助讀者裝載前瞻視野,成為各界搶聘的稀缺人才!本中文書介出自《穀倉效應 2: 未來思考》三采文化股份有限公司出版The Times and Financial Times Book of the YearA revelatory model that explains how we buy, sell, work and live.'Absolutely brilliant.' Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking, Fast and Slow___Meet the business anthropologists seeking to explain how we buy, sell, work and think.From supermarkets to factories, trading floors to tech firms, their methods are revealing the hidden codes that define our lives.The result is a wholly new way to see human behaviour: anthro-vision.__One of the World's Top 50 Thinkers - Prospect'This engaging book argues why more businesses (and people) should look to anthropology if they want to succeed.' Books of the Year, The Times'Will turn your world upside down in the best possible way. Fun, profound and bursting with important insights.' Tim Harford'A terrific piece of work.' Thomas Friedman'Anyone working to rebuild a more equal world will benefit from Tett's well-argued case that to solve twenty-first-century problems, we must expand our fields of vision and fill in old blind spots with new empathy.' Melinda Gates'Tett provides readers with a new intellectual framework - grounded in her deep understanding of anthropology and her path-breaking journalism - that can fundamentally transform how we approach solving society's most wicked problems . . . I cannot recommend it highly enough.' Mariana Mazzucato'In a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, we need an antidote to tunnel vision, argues Gillian Tett. That antidote is Anthro-Vision . . . Admirers of her journalism will love this book, but they will also learn a great deal from it.' Niall Ferguson'A timely call for decision-makers to wean themselves off their dependency on big data and embrace the full complexity of human life.' Financial Times"


作者介紹 Gillian TettGillian Tett is the chairman of the editorial board and editor-at-large, US, at the Financial Times. Perhaps best known for predicting the 2007-8 financial crisis, Tett’s bestselling book Fool’s Gold was one of the definitive books on the crash.Tett holds a PhD in social anthropology from the University of Cambridge, where she studied marriage rituals in Tajikistan. Her work for the FT has taken her around the world - from Brussels to Tokyo to Moscow to New York - and won her numerous awards, including Columnist, Journalist and Business Journalist of the Year at the British Press Awards.


書名 / Anthro-Vision: How Anthropology Can Explain Business and Life
作者 / 吉蓮.邰蒂
簡介 / Anthro-Vision: How Anthropology Can Explain Business and Life:吉蓮.邰蒂《穀倉效應2:未來思考》Meetthebusinessanthropologistsseekingtoexplainhowwebuy,sell,worka
ISBN13 / 9781847942890
ISBN10 / 184794289X
EAN / 9781847942890
誠品26碼 / 2682248854003
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X13X0.2CM
級別 / N:無
