內容簡介 「生命的確是黑暗,除非有盼望, 所有盼望都是盲目,除非有知識, 所有知識都是枉然,除非有工作, 所有工作都是空虛,除非愛在其中, 當你懷抱愛心工作,才能將你與自己,與人人,與神聯繫在一起。」一九二三年,紀伯倫以英文直接創作、五年內經歷五次改寫的《先知》(The Prophet),終於出版,成為代表作。然而,他的阿拉伯文學創作,早在阿拉伯世界形成一股強大的閱讀風潮,紀伯倫獨特的阿拉伯文體,更被稱為「紀伯倫體」。閱讀《先知》,迸發出的是初戀的美麗悸動。先知要人追隨愛的召喚,當神發現你夠資格,自然會前來指引方向,讓你在愛中領略痛苦、釋放慾望,最後成全自己。◎國外好評:「……如果一個男人或女人讀了這本書,不安靜的接受一位偉人的哲學;心中不歡唱著湧自內心的音樂,那麼,這個男人或女人,就生命和真理而言,確已死亡。」--芝加哥郵報 「紀伯侖是東方揚起的第一次風暴,它席捲西方,為西海岸帶來了鮮花。」--羅斯福,美國總統本中文書介出自《先知》晨星出版有限公司出版Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith.Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil.In this inspirational, allegorical guide, Al Mustafa the prophet delivers spiritual yet practical homilies on the work of living: beauty, truth, possessions, sorrow, joy, death and more. Translated into more than fifty languages and among the best-selling books of all time, The Prophet remains a wise and revitalising handbook for the soul."