A Christmas Memory | 誠品線上


作者 楚門.卡波提
商品描述 A Christmas Memory:《聖誕節的回憶》Tenderandbittersweet,thesestoriesbyTrumanCapote,theauthorofBreakfastatTiffany's,areacaptivatingtributetotheChristmasseasonSe


內容簡介 文學經典楚門‧卡波堤《聖誕節的回憶》企鵝經典版這是卡波提享譽世界文壇的經典之作,這是村上春樹情有獨鍾的「純真小世界」,這是寒冷冬天裡永遠存在我們心中的一座溫暖壁爐,而你,可以將這個溫暖傳遞出去--送給身邊或遠方的親朋、認識或不認識的人--《聖誕節的回憶》是美國傳奇作家卡波提的童年故事集,也是世界文壇中短篇小說的經典之作,備受眾多國際大作家的推崇,例如村上春樹便對之情有獨鍾,甚至擔任它的日文譯者。卡波提本人也十分珍愛這本短篇故事集,他曾將之製作為電視劇,並親自配錄旁白。這部榮獲艾美獎的黑白影片如今在網路上仍然可見,而書本身也長銷不墜。本書和他的名作《冷血》風格極為不同,透露出卡波提不為人知的純真溫柔。就像村上春樹說的,這本書就像一個讓人流連難忘的「純真小世界」。本中文書介出自《聖誕節的回憶》遠流出版事業股份有限公司出版Tender and bittersweet, these stories by Truman Capote, the author of Breakfast at Tiffany's, are a captivating tribute to the Christmas seasonSelected from across Capote's writing life, they range from nostalgic portraits of childhood to more unsettling works that reveal the darkness beneath the festive glitter. In the Deep South of Capote's youth, a young boy, Buddy, and his beloved maiden 'aunt' Sook forage for pecans and whiskey to bake into fruitcakes, make kites - too broke to buy gifts - and rise before dawn to prepare feasts for a ragged assembly of guests; it is Sook who teaches Buddy the true meaning of good will. In other stories, an unlikely festive miracle, of sorts, occurs at a local drugstore; a lonely woman has a troubling encounter in wintry New York. Brimming with feeling, these sparkling tales convey both the wonder and the chill of Christmas time."


作者介紹 Truman CapoteTruman Capote was born in New Orleans in 1925. He is the author of many highly praised books, including A Tree of Night and Other Stories (1949), The Grass Harp (1951), Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1958), In Cold Blood (1965), which immediately became the centre of a storm of controversy on its publication, Music for Chameleons (1980) and Answered Prayers (1986), all of which are published by Penguin. Truman Capote died in August 1984.


書名 / A Christmas Memory
作者 / 楚門.卡波提
簡介 / A Christmas Memory:《聖誕節的回憶》Tenderandbittersweet,thesestoriesbyTrumanCapote,theauthorofBreakfastatTiffany's,areacaptivatingtributetotheChristmasseasonSe
ISBN13 / 9780241474419
ISBN10 / 0241474418
EAN / 9780241474419
誠品26碼 / 2682110354006
頁數 / 112
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.4X13.8X1.6CM
級別 / N:無