The Dragonsitter (10冊合售) | 誠品線上

The Dragonsitter (10冊合售)

作者 Josh Lacey
商品描述 The Dragonsitter (10冊合售):飛龍褓姆真難為啊小男孩Eddie替遠行的叔叔照顧寵物,這寵物可不是貓、狗,而是龍,一群飛龍!每天,Eddie都要寫信向叔叔報告這些小飛龍的一


內容簡介 飛龍褓姆真難為啊小男孩Eddie替遠行的叔叔照顧寵物,這寵物可不是貓、狗,而是龍,一群飛龍!每天,Eddie都要寫信向叔叔報告這些小飛龍的一舉一動----親愛的叔叔,你的龍吃掉了冰箱裡所有的東西、燒毀了窗簾,還把郵差嚇得當場拔腿快跑;親愛的叔叔,就在媽媽再婚前夕,龍竟被偷走了,而且不只一隻,媽媽很擔心,哼,我一定會想辦法把它們找出來的;親愛的叔叔,我生日快到了,我要舉行生日派對,我想讓小龍們當我的神秘嘉賓,相信我的客人一定會超驚喜的!這些龍脾氣不小、食量大,照顧牠們一點都不簡單,卻也未生活帶來不少樂趣。Titles In This Set: 1. The Dragonsitter 2. The Dragonsitter Takes Off 3. The Dragonsitter’s Castle 4. The Dragonsitter’s Island 5. The Dragonsitter’s Party 6. The Dragonsitter to the Rescue 7. The Dragonsitter: Trick or Treat? 8. The Dragonsitter Detective 9. The Dragonsitter’s Surprise 10. The Dragonsitter in the Land of the Dragons


作者介紹 Josh Lacey Garry ParsonsJosh Lacey is the author of many books for children including The Dragonsitter, A Dog Called Grk, Bearkeeper, and The Island of Thieves.There are ten books in the Dragonsitter series, which are short, funny stories about a boy who has to look after his uncle’s pet dragon. Told entirely in emails, the books are packed with wonderful illustrations by Garry Parsons.Hope Jones Saves the World is a new series about a 10 year old girl who wants to combat climate change by taking small steps herself, whether giving up plastic or travelling by bicycle rather than car. The other books in the series are Hope Jones Will Not Eat Meat and Hope Jones Clears The Air.The Island of Thieves and The Sultan’s Tigers follow the adventures of Tom Trelawney and his uncle, battling criminals and hunting for treasure.Josh worked as a journalist, a teacher and a screenwriter before writing his first book, A Dog Called Grk.


書名 / The Dragonsitter (10冊合售)
作者 / Josh Lacey
簡介 / The Dragonsitter (10冊合售):飛龍褓姆真難為啊小男孩Eddie替遠行的叔叔照顧寵物,這寵物可不是貓、狗,而是龍,一群飛龍!每天,Eddie都要寫信向叔叔報告這些小飛龍的一
ISBN13 / 9781839130625
ISBN10 / 1839130628
EAN / 9781839130625
誠品26碼 / 2682333642003
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X0CM
裝訂 / 平裝
語言 / 英文
級別 /


最佳賣點 : 飛龍褓姆真難為啊!小男孩Eddie替遠行的叔叔照顧寵物,這寵物可不是貓、狗,而是龍,一群飛龍!每天,Eddie都要寫信向叔叔報告這些小飛龍的一舉一動----親愛的叔叔,你的龍吃掉了冰箱裡所有的東西、燒毀了窗簾,還把郵差嚇得當場拔腿快跑;親愛的叔叔,就在媽媽再婚前夕,龍竟被偷走了,而且不只一隻,媽媽很