內容簡介 大象艾瑪12冊合售 2023年增量上市與眾不同的花格象艾瑪這次又帶來哪些好玩有趣的故事呢?小超人大象EL 遇難了,需要Zelda阿姨的幫助,但是他身為超人,可不能被其他看見,艾瑪有什麼好法子呢? 夜晚,艾瑪聽到哭聲,原來是寶貝象的泰迪熊不見了,艾瑪幫忙尋找娃娃,但寶貝象一直搞失蹤…大象們決定要在艾瑪生日那天給她驚喜,那就是…假裝忘記她的生日。但計畫趕不上變化…大象舉辦賽跑,艾瑪和Wilbur 舉辦訓練課程,艾瑪發現參賽者各有所長,哪一隻大象會得第一呢?…共12則故事,看看艾瑪發揮智慧,解決大小難題。Full of colour, wisdom and pathos, little readers will love this classic tale at bedtime. Elmer the colourful patchwork elephant has been a nursery favourite since this first book was published in 1989. A modern classic, this picture books are known to millions, and continues to be the strongest seller of the whole series, having sold over 2 million copies around the world. The subtle message is that it is OK to be different, and combined with the vibrant colour and cheeky humour of the main character, this small edition is a celebration of its continued popularity.