The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World | 誠品線上

The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World

作者 Jonathan Freedland
商品描述 The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World:1944年4月,19歲的RudolfVrba和獄友FredWetzler成為有史以來首次逃出奧斯威辛集中營的猶太人


內容簡介 《The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World》 ✰《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷書1944年4月,19歲的 Rudolf Vrba和獄友Fred Wetzler成為有史以來首次逃出奧斯威辛集中營的猶太人,在通電柵欄和武裝瞭望塔下,他們避開了成千上萬的黨衛軍士兵和軍犬,徒步穿越沼澤地、山脈和河流直到走向自由,使命地向世界揭示大屠殺的真相。 奧斯威辛集中營如同死亡工廠,Vrba幾乎見證了納粹系統化謀殺過程中每一個令人毛骨悚然的階段,他看到的越多,就越堅定地警告歐洲的猶太人等待他們的命運是什麼,身為一名出色的科學和數學學生,他將每一個細節都牢記在心,不惜一切代價收集最終解決方案的第一批資料,在他逃跑後,這些信息成為長達32頁的無價報告,該報告送達羅斯福、邱吉爾和教皇,最終挽救超過200,000人的生命。 但逃離奧斯維辛並不是他的最後一次逃亡,戰後他一直在逃跑——從他的過去、他的祖國、他的收養國,甚至是自己的名字,很少有人知道他所做的非凡事蹟。 現在,終於可以宣揚魯道夫‧弗爾巴的偉大故事——他以英雄之姿在歷史黑暗篇章上佔有一席之地。 THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERRADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEK'Excellent . . . thrilling . . . Freedland's book is rich in the kind of details that haunt you long after you have turned the last page' Sunday Times'A brilliant and heart-wrenching book, with universal and timely lessons about the power of information - and misinformation' Yuval Noah Harari'A magnificent book. I could scarcely breathe at some points. What a tribute to its extraordinary hero, and it's such an important and necessary story to read . . . I can't praise it too highly. What an achievement' Philip Pullman'An utterly gripping narrative, incorporating a restrained though harrowing picture of life in Auschwitz and a kind of heroic adventure story' Guardian'Meticulously researched . . . shocking but thrilling, and ultimately overwhelmingly inspiring' Daily Mail'An immediate classic of Holocaust literature . . . I literally could not put it down' Antony Beevor'Awe inspiring, exciting and poignant, this is a thrilling read . . . a book that I couldn't put down' Simon Sebag Montefiore'Immersive, shattering, and, ultimately redemptive book . . . an immediate modern classic' Simon Schama'Original, meticulous and utterly compelling - and ultimately a deeply tragic tale' Philippe Sands'A must-read stand out piece of history . . . This is Freedland at his finest' Emily Maitlis'An indispensable, unflinching, bone-hard book' Howard JacobsonAnne Frank. Primo Levi. Oskar Schindler . . . Rudolf Vrba.In April 1944 nineteen-year-old Rudolf Vrba and fellow inmate Fred Wetzler became the first Jews ever to break out of Auschwitz. Under electrified fences and past armed watchtowers, evading thousands of SS men and slavering dogs, they trekked across marshlands, mountains and rivers to freedom. Vrba's mission: to reveal to the world the truth of the Holocaust.In the death factory of Auschwitz, Vrba had become an eyewitness to almost every chilling stage of the Nazis' process of industrialised murder. The more he saw, the more determined he became to warn the Jews of Europe what fate awaited them. A brilliant student of science and mathematics, he committed each detail to memory, risking everything to collect the first data of the Final Solution. After his escape, that information would form a priceless thirty-two-page report that would reach Roosevelt, Churchill and the pope and eventually save over 200,000 lives.But the escape from Auschwitz was not his last. After the war, he kept running - from his past, from his home country, from his adopted country, even from his own name. Few knew of the truly extraordinary deed he had done.Now, at last, Rudolf Vrba's heroism can be known - and he can take his place alongside those whose stories define history's darkest chapter."


作者介紹 Jonathan FreedlandJonathan Freedland is a Guardian columnist and former foreign correspondent. He was named Columnist of the Year in 2002, Commentator of the Year in 2016 and won an Orwell Prize for Journalism in 2014. He is the presenter of BBC Radio 4’s contemporary history series, The Long View, and is a regular contributor to the New York Review of Books. He is the author of 11 books, two of them non-fiction, including his first book, the award-winning Bring Home the Revolution. He has written nine thrillers under the name Sam Bourne, including The Righteous Men which was a #1 Sunday Times bestseller and has sold over 2 million copies worldwide.


書名 / The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World
作者 / Jonathan Freedland
簡介 / The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World:1944年4月,19歲的RudolfVrba和獄友FredWetzler成為有史以來首次逃出奧斯威辛集中營的猶太人
ISBN13 / 9781529369052
ISBN10 / 1529369053
EAN / 9781529369052
誠品26碼 / 2682198862004
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.6X16.2X3.8CM
級別 / N:無