原韻英譯唐宋詞選 | 誠品線上


作者 何中堅
出版社 聯合出版有限公司
商品描述 原韻英譯唐宋詞選:"Inadditiontopresentingtheexquisitenessofci-poemstoEnglishspeakers,thisbookprovidesanotherangleforEnglish-speaking,bilingualChinesetoappreciat


內容簡介 In addition to presenting the exquisiteness of ci-poems to English speakers, this book provides another angle for English-speaking, bilingual Chinese to appreciate ci-poems and, therefore, arouse their interest in ancient Chinese literature. For Chinese speakers, it is a fun and interesting way to learn English by reading this book此英譯本除了向英語讀者展示唐宋詞的美之外,亦可以讓通曉中英語的華人從另一個角度欣賞詞,從而引起他們對中國古典文學的興趣。對其他華人來說,閱讀此英譯本亦是學習英語饒富樂趣的途徑Professor Chau Kwong-wingThe University of Hong Kong香港大學鄒廣榮教授●101 most popular Tang and Sony lyrics in innovative English translations.●Translated lyrics rhymed according to the original lyrics’ rhyme schemes without sacrificing their essence.●Footnotes to explain names, places, legends, allusions, metaphors and backgrounds.●精選101首家傳戶曉唐宋詞,以創新手法翻譯為英語。●按原詞韻律押韻,保留神韻,鏗鏘和諧。●腳註解釋人名、地名、傳說、典故、隱喻及背,便於理解欣賞。


作者介紹 ■作者簡介何中堅Mr C.K. Ho is an Adjunct Associate Professor of The University of Hong Kong. He has been carrying out researches on the enhancement of English translation of classical Chinese poetry for many years.何中堅為香港大學客座副教授,研究中國古典詩詞多年,致力提高詩詞翻譯質素。


書名 / 原韻英譯唐宋詞選
作者 / 何中堅
簡介 / 原韻英譯唐宋詞選:"Inadditiontopresentingtheexquisitenessofci-poemstoEnglishspeakers,thisbookprovidesanotherangleforEnglish-speaking,bilingualChinesetoappreciat
出版社 / 聯合出版有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789620705335
ISBN10 / 9620705335
EAN / 9789620705335
誠品26碼 / 2681724371003
頁數 / 272
開數 / 25K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 精選101首家傳戶曉唐宋詞,以創新手法翻譯為英語。