Open Throat | 誠品線上

Open Throat

作者 Henry Hoke
商品描述 Open Throat:「我從來沒吃過人,但今天,我可能會…」小說敘事者是隻美洲獅。牠原本生活在好萊塢標誌下的山陵間,守望流浪者的營地,觀察健行者傾吐創傷,學習適應人類複


內容簡介 山獅眼中的洛城眾生,生存不是生命唯一功課「我從來沒吃過人,但今天,我可能會…」 一隻美洲獅伏行於都市邊緣,由於缺乏食物與生存空間,牠只能選擇將目標轉為牠從未想過的─人類。 巧妙地躲在山丘上好萊塢大招牌的陰影底下,直至夜深,便和同伴在人類貧民窟四處覓食,落單的登山客也是下手的對像; 同時,牠慢慢聽懂人類的語言,有時覺得自己更像人而不是美洲獅,也意外揭開許多人類世界光怪陸離的景象... 透過美洲獅的「都市生存觀察」,作者巧妙勾勒出一種臨近末世的荒涼與虛無感,氣候與汙染問題正不斷地剝奪其他生物的生存權,而人類卻渾然不知,諷刺當代社會看似精明、進步且風光燦爛,其本質上卻依然隱藏各種愚昧無知、衰敗與貧窮。 ‘I’ve never eaten a person but today I might . . .’ In the Hollywood hills, a mountain lion is struggling to survive. Isolated and afraid in a place devastated by drought, the lion’s endless hunger begins to get to him. As the land around him continues to decay, he begins to fantasize about killing the hikers who pass him by day after day. As it protects the precarious welfare of a nearby homeless encampment from its thicket, it confronts a carousel of temptations and threats, taking us on a tour that spans the city’s cruel inequalities to the toll of climate grief, all while grappling with the complexities of its own gender identity and memories of a vicious, absent father. Open Throat is a stinging, moving and intimate look at the impact the climate crisis has on animals and our environment. There are moving and laugh-out-loud moments, but ultimately this poignant narrative voice forces you to reckon with our dying planet.


作者介紹 Henry HokeHenry is the author of the memoir Sticker, The Book of Endless Sleepovers, the story collection Genevieves, and the novel The Groundhog Forever. His work has appeared in Electric Literature, Triangle House, The Offing, and the Catapult anthology Tiny Crimes. He holds an MFA from the California Institute of the Arts, where he taught for five years, and presently teaches at the University of Virginia Young Writers Workshop and lives in Brooklyn. Praise for his work can be found here: https:


書名 / Open Throat
作者 / Henry Hoke
簡介 / Open Throat:「我從來沒吃過人,但今天,我可能會…」小說敘事者是隻美洲獅。牠原本生活在好萊塢標誌下的山陵間,守望流浪者的營地,觀察健行者傾吐創傷,學習適應人類複
ISBN13 / 9781035007752
ISBN10 / 1035007754
EAN / 9781035007752
誠品26碼 / 2682381898001
頁數 / 176
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X13.5X0CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 柯克斯書評星級點評!2023年最備受期待之作!