The House of Fortune | 誠品線上

The House of Fortune

作者 Jessie Burton
商品描述 The House of Fortune:同名影集《娃娃屋》TheMiniaturist原作續集!Amsterdamintheyear1705.TheaBrandtisturningeighteen,andisreadytowelcomeadulthoodwithopenarms.Atth


內容簡介 同名影集《娃娃屋》The Miniaturist原作續集首部曲《娃娃屋》中,描述17世紀因父母婚約安排嫁入富商之家的妮拉,丈夫約翰尼斯卻對他冷漠異常,妮拉的小姑瑪琳掌控家中大小事,僕人的態度也對她十分疏離,妮拉唯一的慰藉是丈夫送她的一棟精巧細緻的娃娃屋,妮拉依喜好向工匠訂購娃娃屋中的家具人物,但有天她發現,開始有奇怪的人物與家具送到,沒有屬名,而這些精巧的飾物卻將揭開妮拉心中的謎團。第二集描述已扭轉命運的妮拉,儼然已成為布蘭特家的大家長,但瑪琳小姑突然過世,讓她不得不擔憂姪女提雅的未來婚事,此時,她們收到上流階級趨之若鶩的一場舞會邀請,妮拉欣喜之餘,卻不禁想起那個曾暗示她未來的「微物工匠」是否又將再次現身...The House of Fortune is the sequel to Jessie Burton’s million-copy bestseller The Miniaturist. Set in the golden city of Amsterdam in 1705, it is a story of fate and ambition, secrets and dreams, and one young woman’s determination to rule her own destiny.Thea Brandt is turning eighteen, and is ready to welcome adulthood with open arms. At the theatre, Walter, the love of her life, awaits her, but at home in the house on the Herengracht, winter has set in – her father Otto and Aunt Nella argue endlessly, and the Brandt family are selling their furniture in order to eat. On Thea’s birthday, also the day that her mother Marin died, the secrets from the past begin to overwhelm the present.Nella is desperate to save the family and maintain appearances, to find Thea a husband who will guarantee her future, and when they receive an invitation to Amsterdam’s most exclusive ball, she is overjoyed – perhaps this will set their fortunes straight. And indeed, the ball does set things spinning: new figures enter their life, promising new futures. But their fates are still unclear, and when Nella feels a strange prickling sensation on the back of her neck, she wonders if the miniaturist has returned for her . . ."


作者介紹 Jessie BurtonJessie Burton is the author of the Sunday Times number one and New York Times bestsellers The Miniaturist and The Muse, as well as the Sunday Times bestseller The Confession and the children’s books The Restless Girls and Medusa. In its year of publication The Miniaturist sold over a million copies worldwide, and in 2017 it was adapted into a major TV series for BBC One. Her novels have been translated into forty languages, and she is a regular essay writer for newspapers and magazines. She lives in London.


書名 / The House of Fortune
作者 / Jessie Burton
簡介 / The House of Fortune:同名影集《娃娃屋》TheMiniaturist原作續集!Amsterdamintheyear1705.TheaBrandtisturningeighteen,andisreadytowelcomeadulthoodwithopenarms.Atth
ISBN13 / 9781509886098
ISBN10 / 1509886095
EAN / 9781509886098
誠品26碼 / 2682196128003
頁數 / 416
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.3X15.3X3.3CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 同名影集《娃娃屋》The Miniaturist原作續集
