The Good Karma Tarot: A Beginner's Guide to Reading the Cards | 誠品線上

The Good Karma Tarot: A Beginner's Guide to Reading the Cards

作者 Kerry Ward
商品描述 The Good Karma Tarot: A Beginner's Guide to Reading the Cards:塔羅牌初學者指南!包含78張主要和次要的塔羅牌以及144頁的指引書,書中解釋每張卡的含意和不同的牌卡排


內容簡介 ▍塔羅牌初學者指南! 包含78張塔羅牌以及144頁的指引書,書中解釋每張卡的含意和不同的牌卡排列方式。 ▍當你困惑不知道該走哪條路、做出什麼決定、或者真正想要的生活是什麼?這本塔羅牌初學者指南能做為個人指引和自我發展,幫助你了解人生中的動機、優勢、才能和內在智慧。 Easy, practical, inclusive and super-positive… this specially commissioned tarot deck with guidebook by Cosmopolitan’s TarotBella is for beginners who are nervous about trying tarot themselves.Ever feel as if you don't know which path to take, which decision to make, or what you really want in life? This beginner's guide to using tarot is specifically geared for personal guidance and self development to help you understand your motivations, strengths, talents and inner wisdom on your journey through life. Whether you are looking for a simple yes or no answer, or want a more in-depth analysis of where you are right now or what lies ahead, this tarot will guide you in your decision-making process.The pack includes 78 major and minor arcana cards and an accompanying 144-page book explaining the meanings of each card, plus a section on different ways to lay them out in spreads."


作者介紹 Kerry WardKerry Ward writes under TarotBella for Cosmopolitan and Kerry King for The Sun. She also contributes to Soul & Spirit magazine where she writes about tarot, fortune telling, astrology, predictions and forecasts, celebrity star sign analysis and predictions, personality and relationship analysis, and quizzes, ghost hunting and spirits.


書名 / The Good Karma Tarot: A Beginner's Guide to Reading the Cards
作者 / Kerry Ward
簡介 / The Good Karma Tarot: A Beginner's Guide to Reading the Cards:塔羅牌初學者指南!包含78張主要和次要的塔羅牌以及144頁的指引書,書中解釋每張卡的含意和不同的牌卡排
ISBN13 / 9781787395886
ISBN10 / 178739588X
EAN / 9781787395886
誠品26碼 / 2682021408003
頁數 / 128
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X15X3.8CM
級別 / N:無
