Madame Bovary | 誠品線上


作者 古斯塔夫.福樓拜
商品描述 Madame Bovary:古斯塔夫.福樓拜《包法利夫人》MadameBovaryisoneofthegreatest,mostbeguilingnovelseverwritten.EmmaBovaryisanavidreaderofsentimentalnovels;broughtup


內容簡介 這是一個為擺脫平淡婚姻,追求理想愛情而終致毀滅的悲劇,受過教育的農家女孩艾瑪嫁給鄉醫包法利,卻嚮往更奢華浪漫的生活,在歷經兩次出軌,面對負債累累後不得善終,當婚姻並不能滿足對愛情的期待,新奇的魅力褪去,情愛裸露出永恆的單調,長久地婚姻還能以什麼來維繫的情感問題,引人深思。本中文書介出自《包法利夫人》新潮社文化事業有限公司出版Madame Bovary is one of the greatest, most beguiling novels ever written.Emma Bovary is an avid reader of sentimental novels; brought up on a Normandy farm and convent-educated, she longs for romance. At first, Emma pins her hopes on marriage, but life with her well-meaning husband in the provinces leaves her bored and dissatisfied. She seeks escape through extravagant spending sprees and, eventually, adultery. As Emma pursues her impossible reverie she seals her own ruin.'A great novel that is also an inexhaustible pleasure to read' GuardianA NEW TRANSLATION BY ADAM THORPEVINTAGE FRENCH CLASSICS - six masterpieces of French fiction in collectable editions.


作者介紹 Gustave Flaubert was born in Rouen in 1821, the son of a distinguished surgeon and a doctor's daughter. After three unhappy years of studying law in Paris, an epileptic attack ushered him into a life of writing. Madame Bovary won instant acclaim upon book publication in 1857, but Flaubert's frank display of adultery in bourgeois France saw him go on trial for immorality, only narrowly escaping conviction. Both Salammbo (1862) and The Sentimental Education (1869) were poorly received, and Flaubert's genius was not publicly recognized until Three Tales (1877). His reputation among his fellow writers, however, was more constant and those who admired him included Turgenev, George Sand, Victor Hugo and Zola. Flaubert's obsession with his art is legendary: he would work for days on a single page, obsessively attuning sentences, seeking always le mot juste in a quest for both beauty and precise observation. His style moved Edmund Wilson to say,'Flaubert, by a single phrase - a notation of some commonplace object - can convey all the poignance of human desire, the pathos of human defeat; his description of some homely scene will close with a dying fall that reminds one of great verse or music.' Flaubert died suddenly in May 1880, leaving his last work, Bouvard and Pécuchet, unfinished.


書名 / Madame Bovary
作者 / 古斯塔夫.福樓拜
簡介 / Madame Bovary:古斯塔夫.福樓拜《包法利夫人》MadameBovaryisoneofthegreatest,mostbeguilingnovelseverwritten.EmmaBovaryisanavidreaderofsentimentalnovels;broughtup
ISBN13 / 9781784878450
ISBN10 / 1784878456
EAN / 9781784878450
誠品26碼 / 2682380594003
頁數 / 384
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X3.5CM
級別 / N:無
