Brave New World (90th Anniv. Ed.) | 誠品線上

美麗新世界 (90週年紀念版)

作者 阿道斯.赫胥黎
商品描述 Brave New World (90th Anniv. Ed.):《美麗新世界》(90週年紀念版)Asumptuousgifteditiontomarkthe90thanniversaryoffirstpublication.WithanIntroductionbyYuvalNoahHara


內容簡介 娛樂中毒,是最邪惡的統治手段!歡迎光臨「非胎生人類」的美麗新世界青春、性愛、毒品,想要什麼政府都給你!一路玩到掛,這種生活有什麼不好?★邪惡政權最愛的「人類完全操控手冊」!瑪格麗特.愛特伍(小說家,《使女的故事》作者):「二十世紀可視為兩種人造地獄之間的競賽――歐威爾《一九八四》那陷入困境的國家極權主義,以及《美麗新世界》享樂主義式的替代天堂,在那裡所有的一切都是消費品,人們被設計製造成永遠幸福。」尼爾‧波茲曼(評論家,《娛樂至死》作者):「歐威爾擔心我們會毀於自身所惡,赫胥黎害怕我們會毀於自身所愛。」那是一個美麗的新世界。在那裡,人人屬於彼此;恪守本分、遵循階級。性是自由開放的;只要一片梭麻,煩惱全無。在那裡,福特是新的上帝,自動化生產滿足所有需求;人民不需要父母生育,也不需要莎士比亞與聖經。如此幸福,美麗的新世界啊……《美麗新世界》是英國作家阿道斯.赫胥黎於一九三二年發表的作品,與《我們》、《一九八四》並列為西方科幻三大反烏托邦小說。赫胥黎筆下的二十六世紀,人們以瓶子生產出來,並透過各種方式對自身階級產生依賴,終其一生不想改變自己的社經地位;守貞、守財的觀念不復存在,用藥合法化也讓社會更加安定。這樣的世界,難道不是烏托邦?每日每夜遭受日常磨難的你我,難道不想活在其中?一本指向未來,卻點出人類文明發展困頓的科幻經典。「你們要記得,在那段噁心的胎生日子裡,孩子都是由他們的雙親養大,而不是國立制約中心。」本書特色:★奠定科幻反烏托邦類型的二十世紀三大反烏托邦小說之一。★精準預言當代社會的困境:科技中毒、消費主義、性與毒品氾濫。本中文書介出自《美麗新世界》逗點文創社出版A sumptuous gift edition to mark the 90th anniversary of first publication. With an Introduction by Yuval Noah Harari.'A masterpiece of speculation... As vibrant, fresh, and somehow shocking as it was when I first read it' Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid's TaleWelcome to New London. Everybody is happy here. Our perfect society achieved peace and stability through the prohibition of monogamy, privacy, money, family and history itself. Now everyone belongs.You can be happy too. All you need to do is take your Soma pills.Discover the brave new world of Aldous Huxley's classic novel, written in 1932, which prophesied a society which expects maximum pleasure and accepts complete surveillance - no matter what the cost.'A grave warning... Provoking, stimulating, shocking and dazzling' Observer**One of the BBC's 100 Novels That Shaped Our World**"


各界推薦 Huxley's nightmare, set out in Brave New World, his great dystopian novel, was that we would be undone by the things that delight us ― Guardian The most prophetic book of the 20th century... If you have time for just one book, this would be my top choice. A brilliant tour de force, Brave New World may be read as a grave warning of the pitfalls that await uncontrolled scientific advance. Full of barbed wit and malice-spiked frankness. Provoking, stimulating, shocking and dazzling ― Observer Such ingenious wit, derisive logic and swiftness of expression, Huxley's resources of sardonic invention have never been more brilliantly displayed ― The Times Aldous Huxley was uncannily prophetic, a more astute guide to the future than any other 20th century novelist ... Nineteen Eighty-Four has never really arrived, but Brave New World is around us everywhere


作者介紹 Aldous HuxleyAldous Huxley was born on 26 July 1894 near Godalming, Surrey. He began writing poetry and short stories in his early 20s, but it was his first novel, Crome Yellow (1921), which established his literary reputation. This was swiftly followed by Antic Hay (1923), Those Barren Leaves (1925) and Point Counter Point (1928) - bright, brilliant satires in which Huxley wittily but ruthlessly passed judgement on the shortcomings of contemporary society. For most of the 1920s Huxley lived in Italy and an account of his experiences there can be found in Along the Road (1925). The great novels of ideas, including his most famous work Brave New World (published in 1932, this warned against the dehumanising aspects of scientific and material ’progress’) and the pacifist novel Eyeless in Gaza (1936) were accompanied by a series of wise and brilliant essays, collected in volume form under titles such as Music at Night (1931) and Ends and Means (1937).In 1937, at the height of his fame, Huxley left Europe to live in California, working for a time as a screenwriter in Hollywood. As the West braced itself for war, Huxley came increasingly to believe that the key to solving the world’s problems lay in changing the individual through mystical enlightenment. The exploration of the inner life through mysticism and hallucinogenic drugs was to dominate his work for the rest of his life. His beliefs found expression in both fiction (Time Must Have a Stop,1944, and Island, 1962) and non-fiction (The Perennial Philosophy, 1945; Grey Eminence, 1941; and the account of his first mescaline experience, The Doors of Perception, 1954). Huxley died in California on 22 November 1963.


書名 / Brave New World (90th Anniv. Ed.)
作者 / 阿道斯.赫胥黎
簡介 / Brave New World (90th Anniv. Ed.):《美麗新世界》(90週年紀念版)Asumptuousgifteditiontomarkthe90thanniversaryoffirstpublication.WithanIntroductionbyYuvalNoahHara
ISBN13 / 9781784877750
ISBN10 / 1784877751
EAN / 9781784877750
誠品26碼 / 2682106286007
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.2X13.8X2.5CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 90th Anniversary Edition with an Introduction by Yuval Noah Harari
