Just Because | 誠品線上

Just Because

作者 Matthew McConaughey
商品描述 Just Because:說晚安,就代表一天結束了嗎?—擁抱矛盾奧斯卡最佳男主角馬修·麥康納第一本繪本說完晚安,不代表一天結束。得了金獎,但不代表禮物最好;我靜靜坐著,不代


內容簡介 說晚安,就代表一天結束了嗎?— 擁抱矛盾 奧斯卡最佳男主角馬修·麥康納第一本繪本 說完晚安,不代表一天結束。得了金獎,但不代表禮物最好;我靜靜坐著,不代表我不忙;我參加比賽,不代表我已經完全準備好了。我顫抖,不代表我不穩定。 您是否曾同時感到擔憂和興奮?是否經歷過感情受到傷害但還是原諒了別人?您是否曾經想過一個問題有不止一個正確答案?正因為矛盾就在我們身邊,所以成就了現在的我們。 奧斯卡最佳男主角、《紐約時報》暢銷書作家馬修·麥康納,充滿了他獨有的幽默和智慧,精心創作了一系列情感豐沛而又不羈的人生小品,讓讀者無論年紀大小,都能坦然擁抱生命的各種可能性。《Just Because》The debut picture book by Academy Award-winning actor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Matthew McConaugheyJust because I’m in the race,doesn’t mean I’m fully ready.Just because I’m shaking,doesn’t mean that I’m not steady.Have you ever felt worried and excited at the same time?Have you ever had your feelings hurt but forgiven someone anyway?Have you ever thought there was more than one right answer to a question?That’s because contradictions are all around us. And they make us who we are.Filled with his trademark humor and wisdom, Academy Award–winning actor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Matthew McConaughey has crafted a soulful and irreverent collection of life lessons that empowers readers, big and small, to celebrate how we are all full of possibility.Why? Just because.


作者介紹 Matthew McConaughey is the Academy Award-winning actor and #1 New York Times bestselling author of Greenlights. He also created Greenlights: Your Journal, Your Journey, a guided companion that inspires readers to write down and reflect on their feelings, adventures, and dreams. Matthew and his wife, Camila, founded the just keep livin Foundation, which is dedicated to empowering high school students by providing them with the tools to lead active lives and make healthy choices for a better future. He is a professor of practice and a Minister of Culture for the University of Texas at Austin, where he lives with his wife and three children. Matthew is a storyteller, a tree house builder, and a pickle expert. You can visit Matthew on Instagram @OfficiallyMcConaughey or on Twitter @McConaughey. Renée Kurilla is the author and illustrator of many books for young readers. She has a BFA in illustration and a minor in graphic design from Lesley University College of Art and Design. She lives outside of Boston with her husband, daughter, and a fish named Yoshi. You can visit Renée at Kurillastration.com or on Instagram and Twitter @ReneeKurilla.


書名 / Just Because
作者 / Matthew McConaughey
簡介 / Just Because:說晚安,就代表一天結束了嗎?—擁抱矛盾奧斯卡最佳男主角馬修·麥康納第一本繪本說完晚安,不代表一天結束。得了金獎,但不代表禮物最好;我靜靜坐著,不代
ISBN13 / 9780593622032
ISBN10 / 0593622030
EAN / 9780593622032
誠品26碼 / 2682339208005
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26.7X21.6X0CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 說晚安,就代表一天結束了嗎?— 擁抱矛盾
