How the World Really Works: A Scientists Guide to Our Past, Present and Future | 誠品線上

這個世界運作的真相: 以數據解析人類經濟和生存的困局與機會

作者 瓦茲拉夫.史密爾
商品描述 How the World Really Works: A Scientists Guide to Our Past, Present and Future:【比爾蓋茲推薦書單:2022夏季推薦書單】瓦茲拉夫‧史密爾《這個世界運作的真相:以數


內容簡介 以數據分析人類經濟和生存的困境與機會☆紐時暢榜史密爾剖析未來頂尖能源科學家暨政策分析家以數據分析人類經濟和生存的困境與機會,闡明影響生存和繁榮的七個最基本現實:從能源、糧食、材料、全球化,再到風險、環境及未來。全球百大頂尖思想家;橫跨能源、人口、科技領域的權威專家「史密爾是我最喜歡的作者。」──比爾・蓋茲病毒肆虐、晶片短缺、電力不穩、過度使用燃料……我們必須看清撼動全球經濟根基的七大困局何為全球經濟的大挑戰?絕對是能源、小麥、病毒和氣候。能源概括整個世界的運作,使人類可以生產糧食和材料,種植一顆溫室番茄需要5茶匙柴油,1公斤的麵包需要80毫升的柴油;能滿足全球需求量的鋼鐵、塑膠、水泥需要多少燃料?作者呼籲人類應從過於樂觀的預測、政策中甦醒:各國的脫碳目標不可能實現,人造食物取代不了農作物……世界真正的現實面,影響經濟最主要的七大關鍵:1.能源:人類有多依賴化石燃料?從19世紀起,化石燃料的使用增加為60倍,20世紀增加為16倍,在過去的220年中,大約增加1500倍。2020年,全球有一半以上的電力來自燃燒煤炭和天然氣。2.食物生產:如何養活全球80億人口?由於投入的化石燃料和電力日益增加,作物收穫量才會如此豐富,也能夠預測產量。如果沒有這些人為的能源補貼,就無法為90%的人類提供足夠的營養。3.材料:氨、鋼鐵、混凝土和塑膠,如何主導世界經濟?大型的基礎建設和消費者需求,都需要靠大規模的基本材料(塑膠、水泥、鋼鐵、氨)才能達成。生活中的塑膠材料無所不在,你摸摸手邊的滑鼠、筆電或正坐著的旋轉椅;1952年全球塑膠產量只有約2萬噸,1950年增加到2百萬噸,2000增加到1.5億噸,到了2019年,增加到3.7億噸。4.全球化:運輸和通訊如何讓世界緊密連結?在1973年油輪運輸以原油和精煉過的產品為主,占總運輸量的一半以上,但是到2018年,貨物的運輸量增加到約70%,這個轉變不僅反映出亞洲(特別是中國)日漸成為全球主要消費品的來源地,而且反映出各國的整合和相互依存度都提高。5.風險:病毒、飲食到天災,為何文明進步沒讓世界更安全、更健康?現代社會已經消除或減少許多會致命或造成殘疾的風險,例如小兒麻痺症和分娩,但很多危險仍會繼續存在,天災人禍、飲食、疾病和日常活動中的風險。從食物中殘留的農藥到玩具或地毯中的致癌物,隱藏在牆壁和嬰兒爽身粉裡的石棉,到人為破壞的全球暖化現象。6.全球暖化:脫碳言之過早?富裕國家正落實減緩氣候變遷?早在1958年,我們就清楚二氧化碳濃度加倍與實際暖化程度之間的關連,但我們選擇加倍燃燒化石燃料,過度依賴的結果導致我們很難斷然捨棄,否則就得耗費更高的成本。7.生物圈退化:災難頻繁、資源匱乏、生育率低,如何面對作繭自縛的生存空間?夏季大火、海平面上升,礦產枯竭、資源稀少、環境退化。我們不能確定未來人口是會增加到150億,或是縮減到48億,我們也不確定面臨的流行病是會更輕微,或是更嚴重,不過我們必須對未來打下好的基礎,結果會取決於我們所採取的行動。作者為什麼寫這本書?人類的發展有許多值得讚許的成就,我們對物質世界和所有生命形式的了解,已經達到史無前例的擴展。人類專研各式的知識,高度專業化卻讓知識變得晦澀難懂,鮮少人連世界如何運作都只有粗淺的了解,連小麥如何種植、鋼鐵如何製造都無法確實回答,甚至無知。都市化讓都市居民和生產食物的方式脫節,也跟製造機器和設備的方式脫節。生產活動和機械化程度與日俱增,全球卻只有極少數的人,從事提供文明能源和構成現代世界的材料。中國是全球最大的鋼鐵生產國,每年冶煉、鑄造和軋製的鋼鐵將近10億噸,但這些全都由中國14億人口當中不到0.25%的人完成,只有極少數的中國人會站在高爐旁邊。這種脫節的情況發生在世界各地。美國現在大約只有3百萬人直接從事食物生產的工作——實際犁田、播種、施肥、除草、收割、照顧動物的人,總共不到美國人口的2%。麵包和肉品是怎麼來的?一隻小豬多久會變成豬排,需要幾個星期?現代世界中的很多人對答案毫無頭緒本書致力於減少人類對世界的理解缺陷,並針對人類生存和繁榮最基本的主要現實狀況做說明,以科學的角度,解釋世界究竟如何運作,提供主導世界經濟的七大關鍵,讓人類更能意識到未來的限制和機會。本中文書介出自《這個世界運作的真相: 以數據解析人類經濟和生存的困局與機會》商周出版出版'There is no author whose books I look forward to more than Vaclav Smil' Bill Gates__________We have never had so much information at our fingertips and yet most of us don't know how the world really works. This book explains seven of the most fundamental realities governing our survival and prosperity. From energy and food production, through our material world and its globalization, to risks, our environment and its future, How the World Really Works offers a much-needed reality check - because before we can tackle problems effectively, we must understand the facts.In this ambitious and thought-provoking book we see, for example, that globalization isn't inevitable - the perils of allowing 70 per cent of the world's rubber gloves to be made in just one factory became glaringly obvious in 2020 - and that our societies have been steadily increasing their dependence on fossil fuels, making their complete and rapid elimination unlikely. For example, each greenhouse-grown supermarket-bought tomato requires the equivalent of five tablespoons of diesel oil for its production; and we still lack any commercially viable ways of making steel, ammonia, cement or plastics on the scale required globally without fossil fuels.Vaclav Smil is neither a pessimist nor an optimist, he is a scientist; he is the world-leading expert on energy and an astonishing polymath. This is his magnum opus and a continuation of his quest to make facts matter. Drawing on the latest science, including his own fascinating research, and tackling sources of misinformation head on - from Yuval Noah Harari to Noam Chomsky - ultimately Smil answers the most profound question of our age: are we irrevocably doomed or is a brighter utopia ahead? Compelling, data-rich and revisionist, this wonderfully broad, interdisciplinary masterpiece finds faults with both extremes. Looking at the world through this quantitative lens reveals hidden truths that change the way we see our past, present and uncertain future.__________'Very informative and eye-opening in many ways' Ha-Joon Chang, author of 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism'If you are anxious about the future, and infuriated that we aren't doing enough about it, please read this book' Paul Collier, author of The Future of Capitalism"


作者介紹 Vaclav SmilVaclav Smil is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba. He is the author of over forty books on topics including energy, environmental and population change, food production and nutrition, technical innovation, risk assessment, and public policy. No other living scientist has had more books (on a wide variety of topics) reviewed in Nature. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, in 2010 he was named by Foreign Policy as one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers.


書名 / How the World Really Works: A Scientists Guide to Our Past, Present and Future
作者 / 瓦茲拉夫.史密爾
簡介 / How the World Really Works: A Scientists Guide to Our Past, Present and Future:【比爾蓋茲推薦書單:2022夏季推薦書單】瓦茲拉夫‧史密爾《這個世界運作的真相:以數
ISBN13 / 9780241454404
ISBN10 / 0241454409
EAN / 9780241454404
誠品26碼 / 2682098238008
頁數 / 448
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X4CM
級別 / N:無