The Magician | 誠品線上

The Magician

作者 柯姆.托賓
商品描述 The Magician:Fromoneofourgreatestlivingwriterscomesasweepingnovelofunrequitedloveandexile,warandfamily.TheMagiciantellsthestoryofThomasMann,whoselifewasfilledw


內容簡介 流放‧戰爭‧家庭‧和苦苦追循的愛情諾貝爾文學獎得主湯瑪斯·曼 (Thomas Mann)一生傳奇故事✰ 英國拉斯彭文學獎愛爾蘭作家托賓的歷史小說以諾貝爾文學獎得主湯瑪斯.曼為藍本,描述曼年輕時如何隱瞞同性戀傾向,與慕尼黑猶太望族之女聯姻,又如何寫下名作《威尼斯之死》。他的一生是矛盾的總和:既讚譽滿盈,又充滿爭議。在一戰中,他與德國同進退,站在歷史錯誤的那邊。在二戰中,他則早早預見納粹的恐怖,開始流亡生活。雖不否認同志傾向,但也結婚育有六子。這是大時代下,特有的作家故事。From one of our greatest living writers comes a sweeping novel of unrequited love and exile, war and family.The Magician tells the story of Thomas Mann, whose life was filled with great acclaim and contradiction. He would find himself on the wrong side of history in the First World War, cheerleading the German army, but have a clear vision of the future in the second, anticipating the horrors of Nazism.He would have six children and keep his homosexuality hidden; he was a man forever connected to his family and yet bore witness to the ravages of suicide. He would write some of the greatest works of European literature, and win the Nobel Prize, but would never return to the country that inspired his creativity.Through one life, Colm Tóibín tells the breathtaking story of the twentieth century.___________________________________'As with everything Colm Tóibín sets his masterful hand to, The Magician is a great imaginative achievement -- immensely readable, erudite, worldly and knowing, and fully realized' - Richard Ford'No living novelist dramatizes artistic creation as profoundly, as luminously, as Colm Tóibín . . . reading him is among the deepest pleasures our literature can offer' - Garth Greenwell'This is not just a whole life in a novel, it's a whole world' - Katharina Volckmer"


作者介紹 Colm ToibinColm Toibin is the author of ten novels, including The Magician, his most recent novel; The Master, winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize; Brooklyn, winner of the Costa Book Award; The Testament of Mary; and Nora Webster, as well as two story collections and several books of criticism. He is the Irene and Sidney B. Silverman Professor of the Humanities at Columbia University. Three times shortlisted for the Booker Prize, Toibin lives in Dublin and New York.


書名 / The Magician
作者 / 柯姆.托賓
簡介 / The Magician:Fromoneofourgreatestlivingwriterscomesasweepingnovelofunrequitedloveandexile,warandfamily.TheMagiciantellsthestoryofThomasMann,whoselifewasfilledw
ISBN13 / 9780241004623
ISBN10 / 0241004624
EAN / 9780241004623
誠品26碼 / 2682081392007
頁數 / 448
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X3.2CM
級別 / N:無