Not Yeti | 誠品線上

Not Yeti

作者 Kelly DiPucchio
商品描述 Not Yeti:與眾不同的雪怪大部分的怪物喜歡惡作劇、吵吵鬧鬧、互捏對方或者把臭蛋放進襪子裡。但是Yeti和他們可不一樣。牠會為企鵝織毛衣,讚賞落葉、感謝蒲公英。他知道唱


內容簡介 與眾不同的雪怪 大部分的怪物喜歡惡作劇、吵吵鬧鬧、互捏對方或者把臭蛋放進襪子裡。但是Yeti和他們可不一樣。牠會為企鵝織毛衣,讚賞落葉、感謝蒲公英。他知道唱歌的座頭鯨來訪,會特地騎車到海邊,一起唱和。牠喜歡自己動手做東西,更烤得一手香噴噴的香蕉蛋糕。不過,總是說好話,做好事的牠發現自己跟別的怪物不一樣,因此沒有朋友。有一天,牠決定為自己辦一個派對,分享牠的香蕉蛋糕給怪物們…。 New York Times bestselling author Kelly DiPucchio and celebrated illustrator Claire Keane have created an irresistible new monster. Monsters are loud. And rude. They like to smash things and they always need to be right. But not Yeti. Yeti bakes banana bread and sings to whales and always has a nice word to say. But sometimes you find yourself alone when you're different. And Yeti doesn't know there's a special surprise in store for him. New York Times bestselling author Kelly DiPucchio and celebrated illustrator Claire Keane have created a lovable new character who always chooses kindness, no matter what the other monsters say.


作者介紹 Kelly DiPucchioKelly DiPucchio is the award-winning author of several children's books, including the New York Times bestsellers, Grace for President, and The Sandwich Swap, a book co-authored for Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan. Kelly has been a featured author speaker at numerous schools, public libraries, universities, and conferences such as: the International Reading Association, Michigan Reading Association, and the National Council of Teachers of English. You can visit her online at Claire KeaneClaire Keane is the author-illustrator of Little Big Girl and Once Upon a Cloud and is also known for her development art for the movies Tangled and Frozen. She studied at École Supérieure d'Arts Graphiques in Paris and now lives in Venice Beach, California with her kids. Visit her at


書名 / Not Yeti
作者 / Kelly DiPucchio
簡介 / Not Yeti:與眾不同的雪怪大部分的怪物喜歡惡作劇、吵吵鬧鬧、互捏對方或者把臭蛋放進襪子裡。但是Yeti和他們可不一樣。牠會為企鵝織毛衣,讚賞落葉、感謝蒲公英。他知道唱
ISBN13 / 9780593114070
ISBN10 / 0593114078
EAN / 9780593114070
誠品26碼 / 2682030991008
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28.6X24.1X1CM
級別 / N:無
