Frankenstein (Pretty Books Painted Ed.) | 誠品線上


作者 瑪麗.雪萊
商品描述 Frankenstein (Pretty Books Painted Ed.):瑪麗.雪萊《科學怪人》Thisfrighteningclassictaleisnowavailableinanexclusivecollector'sedition,featuringbeautifulcoverar


內容簡介 每個能夠思考的靈魂都渴望獲得幸福人類有了創造的力量又必須擔負多少責任?天資聰穎的科學博士弗蘭肯斯坦自小著迷於非正統的科學理論,渴望參透生命的秘密,甚至令死者復甦。他關在實驗室裡,拼拼湊湊從墳場搜集而來的屍體軀塊,經過數年的努力,居然真的成功造出一個人--或說,一個醜陋、可怕的怪物。博士看著他親手造出的怪物睜開眼睛,感到震驚與噁心,便拋下了他,落荒而逃。怪物茫然地遊蕩於世間,四處受人欺壓、令人畏懼,「生命」這份他從未要求的禮物使他困惑不已,而困惑隨著時間漸漸轉為憤怒。這一切,他只能向他的造物主尋求解答,或者,讓他付出代價⋯⋯本中文書介出自《科學怪人》啟明出版事業股份有限公司出版This frightening classic tale is now available in an exclusive collector's edition, featuring beautiful cover art from artist Laci Fowler and decorative interior pages, making it ideal for fiction lovers and book collectors alike.Beloved by horror fans across the globe, Frankenstein explores the terror of what happens when humanity plays God. This time-honored classic is now available as an exclusive collector's edition.Whether you're buying it as a gift or for yourself, this remarkable edition features:A beautiful, high-end hardcover featuring Laci Fowler’s distinctive hand-painted artDecorative interior pages featuring pull quotes throughoutMatching ribbon marker and gold page edges Part of a 4-volume collection including The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Great Gatsby, and The Return of Sherlock HolmesShattered by grief, the unstable Victor Frankenstein conducts a bizarre experiment, using electricity to shock inanimate matter and create an enormous man-like monster. Terrified by his own actions, Victor abandons his creation to the wilderness. Years later, the intelligent and hideous Creature finds his creator and demands his right to happiness. A tragedy of murderous rage and the fatal consequences of revenge, Mary Shelley's iconic novel has been terrifying readers since the nineteenth century.Exploring the dark themes of birth and creation, loneliness, ambition, and the destructive power of revenge, this unique collector’s edition presents Shelley’s frightening tale of otherworldly adventures in a giftable new way."


作者介紹 Mary ShelleyMary Wollstonecraft Shelley was born on August 30, 1797, into a life of personal tragedy. In 1816, she married the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, and that summer traveled with him and a host of other Romantic intellectuals to Geneva. Her greatest achievement was piecing together one of the most terrifying and renowned stories of all time: Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Shelley conceived Frankenstein in, according to her, ""a waking dream."" This vision was simply of a student kneeling before a corpse brought to life. Yet this tale of a mad creator and his abomination has inspired a multitude of storytellers and artists. She died on February 1, 1851.


書名 / Frankenstein (Pretty Books Painted Ed.)
作者 / 瑪麗.雪萊
簡介 / Frankenstein (Pretty Books Painted Ed.):瑪麗.雪萊《科學怪人》Thisfrighteningclassictaleisnowavailableinanexclusivecollector'sedition,featuringbeautifulcoverar
ISBN13 / 9781401604110
ISBN10 / 1401604110
EAN / 9781401604110
誠品26碼 / 2682279743000
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.6X16X2.1CM
級別 / N:無
