The Secret Talker | 誠品線上


作者 嚴歌苓
商品描述 The Secret Talker:《密語者》AwomanreclaimsherownstoryinthistautandwhollyoriginalliterarytalefromoneofChina’sliterarysuperstars.HongmeiistheperfectChinesewife:


內容簡介 一張床上的兩個人,居然像一個星座的兩顆星,原以為是伸手就可以擁抱的距離,卻存在百萬光年的陌生。最初是怎樣的荒唐,才造成現在同睡一張床的假象?在兩年半的等待之後,這一次,嚴歌苓走出了咖啡館,來到你的耳邊訴說一場文字密語。,以細膩的筆觸窺視著喬紅梅的寂寞、渴望和掙扎。主題圍繞著鴻溝般的婚姻,赤裸的感情如針刺般在扉頁間留下墨色血漬,讀來格外令人心驚。本中文書介出自《密語者》三民書局股份有限公司出版A NEW YORK TIMES BEST THRILLER OF 2021 AND "GLOBETROTTING " PICK!THE MILLIONS MOST ANTICIPATEDA woman reclaims her own story in this taut and wholly original literary tale from one of China’s literary superstars.Hongmei is the perfect Chinese wife: beautiful, diligent, passive. Glen is the perfect American husband: intelligent, caring, well-off. From the outside, Hongmei and Glen's life in the San Francisco Bay Area seems perfect. But at home, their marriage is falling apart. Post-its left on the fridge are their primary form of communication. When Hongmei receives a beguiling email from a secret admirer, naturally she’s intrigued. But what starts out as harmless flirting with an internet stranger quickly turns into an all-consuming emotional affair. As Hongmei spills more and more about her dark past as a military intelligence officer-in-training in China, she falls deeper and deeper into a tense cat-and-mouse game. Desperate and self-destructive, she embarks on an investigation into her emailer’s secret history…one that may tear her life and marriage apart forever.A psychological story at its core, The Secret Talker elegantly examines how repressed desire and simmering silence can upend even the most idyllic marriage. As Hongmei pursues her stalker, her identity and agency come into question, and the chase curveballs into a captivating journey of self-actualization. Yan Geling pierces the human psyche to reveal devastating and emotional truths – and an ending that will leave readers speechless.Translated from the Chinese by Jeremy Tiang"


作者介紹 Geling YanGeling Yan is one of the most acclaimed contemporary novelists and screenwriters writing in the Chinese language today and a well-established writer in English. Born in Shanghai, she served with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), starting at age 12 as a dancer in an entertainment troupe. She published her first novel in 1986, and ever since has produced a steady stream of novels, short stories, novellas, essays and s. Her best-known novels in English are The Banquet Bug (The Uninvited in its UK edition - written directly in English) and The Lost Daughter of Happiness, (translated by Cathy Silber) both published by Hyperion in the US and Faber & Faber in the UK. She has also published a novella and short story collection called White Snake and Other Stories, translated by Lawrence A. Walker and published by Aunt Lute Books.


書名 / The Secret Talker
作者 / 嚴歌苓
簡介 / The Secret Talker:《密語者》AwomanreclaimsherownstoryinthistautandwhollyoriginalliterarytalefromoneofChina’sliterarysuperstars.HongmeiistheperfectChinesewife:
ISBN13 / 9780063004047
ISBN10 / 0063004046
EAN / 9780063004047
誠品26碼 / 2682108906002
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X13X0.9CM
級別 / N:無