Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World | 誠品線上

當我們一起: 疏離的時代, 愛與連結是弭平傷痕、終結孤獨的最強大復原力量

作者 維偉克.莫西
商品描述 Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World:《當我們一起:疏離的時代,愛與連結是弭平傷痕、終結孤獨的最強大復原力量》Thebookweneed


內容簡介 21世紀是孤獨世紀。現在是最容易與人連結的時代,但不論哪個族群、教育程度高低、有錢沒錢,共同點就是都曾感到孤獨。美國超過20%的成人經常感到孤獨、被社會孤立。孤獨帶來真實的傷害。如果察覺有人迴避你,腦中感受到的痛苦跟被打一巴掌是一樣的;長期感到孤獨的人,相當於每天吸15根菸。心臟病、高血壓、失智、憂鬱症、成癮、暴力、自殺的背後,都有孤獨的陰影。孤獨是被污名化的情緒。鮮少人願意開口說自己孤獨,那讓人自卑,等於承認自己不討人喜歡、不值得被愛。孤獨不是錯,但是我們該如何解決心底的孤寂、改變社會的疏離?英、德兩國都已設立「孤獨部長」,迫切希望解決這個「世代問題」。孤獨,是21世紀快速蔓延的新流行病相互連結,是我們與生俱來的生存超能力!本書作者莫西是美國總統歐巴馬、拜登最倚重的公衛大臣、抗疫大將。身為「國家醫生」,他研究重要的健康與疾病問題,發現現代社會最難治癒的不是心臟病或糖尿病,而是孤獨,而且孤獨與許多疾病相連,形成惡性循環。他積極投入相關研究,從流行病學的角度拆解孤獨。本書就是莫西呼籲社會重視孤獨問題的專書,也是全面解讀孤獨與提出解方的第一本書。莫西發現,孤獨的惡性循環看來棘手,卻是可以被打破的。其實孤獨感跟口渴、肚子餓一樣,是個生理訊號,通知我們必須向外連結。我們想要和他人連結的動力,其實是人類最重要的生存本能之一,以對抗壓力和焦慮帶來的生物性破壞,是最好的良藥。在本書中,他舉出許多打破人際藩籬的有效做法,並提出四個關鍵策略:每天花一點時間陪伴你愛的人;把焦點放在彼此身上;擁抱獨處時間;幫助他人,也接受別人的幫助。他尤其強調要幫下一代建立更有連結的社會,因為新世代在網路中成長,比過去更容易陷入孤寂的痛苦。唯有連結,能讓我們克服孤獨,解決當前個人和社會面臨的難題,打造彼此關係更緊密的未來。本中文書介出自《當我們一起: 疏離的時代, 愛與連結是弭平傷痕、終結孤獨的最強大復原力量》天下雜誌股份有限公司出版Instant New York Times Bestseller!The book we need NOW to avoid a social recession, Murthy’s prescient message is about the importance of human connection, the hidden impact of loneliness on our health, and the social power of community.Humans are social creatures: In this simple and obvious fact lies both the problem and the solution to the current crisis of loneliness. In his groundbreaking book, the 19th surgeon general of the United States Dr. Vivek Murthy makes a case for loneliness as a public health concern: a root cause and contributor to many of the epidemics sweeping the world today from alcohol and drug addiction to violence to depression and anxiety. Loneliness, he argues, is affecting not only our health, but also how our children experience school, how we perform in the workplace, and the sense of division and polarization in our society.But, at the center of our loneliness is our innate desire to connect. We have evolved to participate in community, to forge lasting bonds with others, to help one another, and to share life experiences. We are, simply, better together.The lessons in Together have immediate relevance and application. These four key strategies will help us not only to weather this crisis, but also to heal our social world far into the future.Spend time each day with those you love. Devote at least 15 minutes each day to connecting with those you most care about.Focus on each other. Forget about multitasking and give the other person the gift of your full attention, making eye contact, if possible, and genuinely listening.Embrace solitude. The first step toward building stronger connections with others is to build a stronger connection with oneself. Meditation, prayer, art, music, and time spent outdoors can all be sources of solitary comfort and joy.Help and be helped. Service is a form of human connection that reminds us of our value and purpose in life. Checking on a neighbor, seeking advice, even just offering a smile to a stranger six feet away, all can make us stronger. During Murthy’s tenure as Surgeon General and during the research for Together, he found that there were few issues that elicited as much enthusiastic interest from both very conservative and very liberal members of Congress, from young and old people, or from urban and rural residents alike. Loneliness was something so many people have known themselves or have seen in the people around them. In the book, Murthy also shares his own deeply personal experiences with the subject--from struggling with loneliness in school, to the devastating loss of his uncle who succumbed to his own loneliness, as well as the important example of community and connection that his parents modeled. Simply, it’s a universal condition that affects all of us directly or through the people we love—now more than ever."


作者介紹 Dr. Vivek H. MurthyDr. Vivek H. Murthy served as the 19th Surgeon General of the United States appointed by President Barack Obama. As the Vice Admiral of the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, he commanded a uniformed service of 6,600 public health officers globally. During his tenure, Dr. Murthy launched the TurnTheTide campaign, catalyzing a movement among health professionals to address the nation's opioid crisis. He also issued the first Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health, calling for expanded access to prevention and treatment and for recognizing addiction as a chronic illness, not a character flaw. An internal medicine physician and entrepreneur, Dr. Murthy has co-founded a number of organizations: VISIONS, an HIV AIDS education program in India; Swasthya, a community health partnership in rural India training women as health providers and educators; software company TrialNetworks; and Doctors for America.Dr. Murthy received his bachelor's degree from Harvard and his M.D. and M.B.A. degrees from Yale. He completed his internal medicine residency at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and later joined Harvard Medical School as faculty in internal medicine. His research focused on vaccine development and later on the participation of women and minorities in clinical trials. Dr. Murthy resides in Washington, D.C. with his wife and two young children.


書名 / Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World
作者 / 維偉克.莫西
簡介 / Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World:《當我們一起:疏離的時代,愛與連結是弭平傷痕、終結孤獨的最強大復原力量》Thebookweneed
ISBN13 / 9780062913296
ISBN10 / 0062913298
EAN / 9780062913296
誠品26碼 / 2682011262004
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X0CM
級別 / N:無