High On… Bathroom Design | 誠品線上

High On… Bathroom Design

作者 Ralf Daab
商品描述 High On… Bathroom Design:Ifthereisoneroominyourhousethatdeservesalittleluxury,itisthebathroom.Whetherweliketotalkaboutitornot,thetimewespendinthebathroomispre


內容簡介 If there is one room in your house that deserves a little luxury, it is the bathroom. Whether we like to talk about it or not, the time we spend in the bathroom is precious. It’s where some of our most intimate moments take place. So not only should it function well, it should be designed for optimal comfort and luxury. While some bathrooms are grand enough to have all the fixings like walk-in showers, smaller bathrooms can still make a decor splash. High On...Bathroom Design presents around 30 architects and interior designers with their latest bathroom projects. From the minimalist bathroom with clear shapes to the most opulent facilities, the bathroom is increasingly being used for well-being with a built-in sauna and a relaxation area with a beautiful view. But smaller, function-oriented bathrooms that are stylishly designed are also shown in this book.


作者介紹 Ralf DaabRalf Daab has been in book publishing for 25 years, with Taschen, Könemann and teNeues where he developed a new book programme and established a worldwide distribution network. With this experience he started his own label daab and published over 200 books on art, architecture, design, photography and fashion. He is the founder of Cologne Catwalk and Cologne Fashion Days. More recently Ralf Daab launched HIGH ON..., a new imprint for innovative art and design books. In Spring 2017 he had his first exhibition of his own photographic artwork at The New Yorker Hotel in Cologne.


書名 / High On… Bathroom Design
作者 / Ralf Daab
簡介 / High On… Bathroom Design:Ifthereisoneroominyourhousethatdeservesalittleluxury,itisthebathroom.Whetherweliketotalkaboutitornot,thetimewespendinthebathroomispre
ISBN13 / 9788499366999
ISBN10 / 8499366996
EAN / 9788499366999
誠品26碼 / 2682311704006
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26.8X23.2X2.7CM
級別 / N:無
