Small: House and Interiors | 誠品線上

Small: House and Interiors

作者 Ioana Mardare
商品描述 Small: House and Interiors:Themosteffectiveandappealingbreakthroughsinhousesbuiltwithinthepastfiveyeartomakethemostofeverycentimeterofspace.Budgetsaren’twhatt


內容簡介 《Small: House and Interiors》過去五年生活方式快速改變,建屋預算不同以往,加上房子空間變小,最務實又最吸引人的建設方式是充分利用每一公分的空間,打造一個易於維護、對環境友善又降低成本的住宅。 本書收錄30位最國際化、最重要的建築師和室內設計師的房屋案例,從玻璃小屋到覆銅樹屋,探索如何靈活使用空間並充分利用狹窄區域,同時實現友善環境和綠能生活。The most effective and appealing breakthrough in house-building within the past five years has been to make the most of every centimetre of space. Budgets aren’t what they used to be, houses are smaller and lifestyles are changing rapidly. Clients today want to create a home that is easy to maintain, environmentally responsible and inexpensive to operate. Ranging from glass cabins to copper-clad tree houses, this book features an international collection of projects by thirty of the most international, important architects and interior designers. Discover how to use flexible space and make the most of a narrow lot, how to use every square metre of living space, while also responding to rising ecological concerns and skyrocketing energy bills."


書名 / Small: House and Interiors
作者 / Ioana Mardare
簡介 / Small: House and Interiors:Themosteffectiveandappealingbreakthroughsinhousesbuiltwithinthepastfiveyeartomakethemostofeverycentimeterofspace.Budgetsaren’twhatt
ISBN13 / 9788499367088
ISBN10 / 8499367089
EAN / 9788499367088
誠品26碼 / 2682310848008
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26X22.5X2.5CM
級別 / N:無
